Author Topic: Looking For Homes Designer Furniture Requested From London  (Read 2255 times)


Global Moderator


Hope you’re well.
I’m currently working on behalf of one of my clients which specialize in designer furniture for homes and I came across your site in my search.
For a fee, I was wondering if you would be willing to accept relevant content to host on with a link(s) to my clients website or if there is something similar you have in mind I would love to explore it.
At your earliest convenience, please drop me a line and I’ll be glad to tell you more plus answer any questions or queries you may have.
Looking forward to your response.
Kindest regards,

Catatan :
Kepada rekan-rekan pengusaha furniture dari Indonesia yang berminat untuk mengirim penawarannya, silahkan posting :
1) Nama perusahaan anda
2) Contact person
3) Alamat email
4) Website
di halaman ini, moderator  akan mengirimkan "Contact Person dan Alamat Email dari importir" tersebut ke email Anda.