Author Topic: Kurung Clothes - Indonesian Traditional Clothes (Riau)  (Read 4345 times)


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Baju kurung (kurung cloth) is a traditional dress of Malay community in Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand to the south. Kurung cloth often be associated with women. Characteristic of kurung cloth is a loose design on the arm pits, abdomen, and chest. By the time the bottom kurung cloth parallel to the groin, but in rare cases some are extending parallel to the knee. Kurung cloth is not fitted with studs, but almost similar to the t-shirt. Nor brackets collared shirt, laced each end. Some parts are often decorated golden embroidery.

Initially, kurung cloth worn for ceremonial pomp by the Malay women in the kingdom, is shared songket cloth to be used as the sheath, a variety of gold jewelry, and a small bag or a fan. Since most of the Malay community embraced Islam, many female use  kurung cloth with a headscarf, though there also are not using it. Kurung cloth is now widely used by ordinary people, used the children to recite, or mothers to go to the market, without the included knick-knacks that seemed luxurious.


Kurung traditional cloth cut loose, long-sleeved, and berpesak and wide at the bottom. Kurung women cloth used to wear a sarong bind "the waves heave". Kurung cloth worn by men trousers (pants) and the fabric side.

Brackets dress Women and Men

Kurung cloth is actually a type of underwear worn by both men and women. But now there is a tendency to associate only with  kurung women cloth. In Malaysia, kurung cloth for men known as "Malay clothes". In Indonesia, the kurung cloth for men called "pot bay". This is misleading, because "pot bay" itself is one variant of the baju kurung than baju kurung tight weasel. kurung cloth for men to wear with shorts and a pair side fabric.
The difference between kurung cloth for men and women according to the book "Clothes Worth Malay":
Kurung women cloth fall below the knee, with a narrow neck and the base does not have a pocket.
Kurung men cloth fall under bottom, with a wide neck base, and has two pockets.

Depth In the Community

There are rules in the use of the Malay kurung cloth which depends on their position. This rule is pretty strictly enforced in the past, but this time it's not too binding anymore.
An example is the color. Kings and their close relatives can wear whatever color they want, but the yellow color is the color of their hallmark. No one should wear the same color in the formal occasions.
For those who have a high office wear "sedondon" ie kurung cloth, pants, side, and grade ability must consist of materials, colors, and patterns are uniform.
Ordinary people wear kurung cloth with a headscarf headband or skull cap.

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