Author Topic: Melati Handwriting Batik – One of Batik Center in Sumenep, Madura  (Read 1420 times)


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Batik centers in the village of West Pakandangan, Bluto, Sumenep, Madura has existed since the Dutch colonial era and the Kingdom of Sumenep was still standing. Until now the center of batik in Sumenep is still survive. While maintaining the tradition of batik, they continue to follow developments in batik motifs and designs. West Pakandangan village, Bluto, Sumenep is already well known as a center of batik production since the Dutch era. Not surprisingly, when the artificial village motif is heavily influenced court tradition, for example motif fan has existed since the 1930s. Achmad Zaini, the owner of Melati Handwriting Batik, said that batik activities in the village has been hereditary since the time of the ancestors. He is a second-generation the owner of Melati Handwriting Batik. In doing business production, Melati Handwriting Batik is supported by workforce of 35 people who have advanced and they are already training.

The products of this workshop are created by skilled craftsmen from Bluto area, Sumenep. All the products here are handmade Batik with variety motifs and colors specialty Madura. The unique of Melati Handwriting Batik is not only in motif and design of Batik, but also the color and selected material. Motifs of Madura Batik in this workshop are not only floral jasmine as his business name, but also using various identities Sumenep like Blacksmith (Pandhi), Labheng Mesem (Gate in Kingdom of Sumenep), Empu Kelleng, and sonok cattle looks beautiful in the form of batik painting. Sumenep Batik in Melati Handwriting Shop has unique characteristic like chicken motifs and red color. As for the dye material of batik process and design consists of two kinds, there are dye synthesis or chemical and natural dyes, such as Mohani acacia leaves of teak and others. All products of this shop like shirt, skirt, long cloth, tie, sheath, and others are made from primis materials and silk. The price of this workshop are varies depending on the workmanship and fabric used.

If there is an opportunity to come to Madura, then don’t forget to look at a variety of Madura Batik and buy them in Melati Handwriting Batik. Find here the original Batik Madura and choose your Batik style!

Mr. Achmad Zaini, Mr. H. Luthfi
Jl. Jokotole, West Pakandangan  Village, Bluto
Sumenep 69466 – Madura Island, Indonesia
Phone: +62 328 662 635 ; +62 328 812 534
Mobile: +6281 7500 9605 ; +62 87 850 177 999

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