Author Topic: Cotton Silk Of Weaving Fabrics From Troso, Jepara – Central Java  (Read 1392 times)


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Weaving is one of cultural art of Indonesia garment which produced in various regions across the archipelago (Sumatra, Borneo, Bali, Sulawesi, Lombok, Sumbawa and many more). Weavings has a meaning, historical value, and high techniques of its colors, patterns, and type of material. Also the thread used. Each region has distinctive features of weaving fabrics.

As one of heritage culture, weaving is the pride of Indonesia and reflects the national identity. Therefore, weaving both in producing technique, design and the products, must maintained and preserved well.

One of famous weaving workshop is in Troso, Jepara. Visit the workshop at:

Kapas Sutra Tenun Troso
Mr. Sulbi Ahmad
Mobile: +62-8122934819
Mrs. Nila
Mobile: +62-85741873466
Jl. Bugel Km. 1,5 Troso Pecangaan Jepara
Phone: +62-291-754540

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