Author Topic: Puli Cracker – Tasteful Cracker and Snack Souvenir from Magetan, East Java  (Read 2344 times)


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Magetan is a tourist city that located in East Java Province. Hearing the word of “Magetan”, probably for most people will immediately think about Sarangan Lake because, Sarangan Lake becomes one of the tourist icons of Magetan. Magetan has a vision, which is “Realization of Magetan’s Welfare that is Righteous and Dignified”. In Magetan, there are many excellent potential local small industries which produce handicrafts for souvenirs, such as woven bamboo, leather and typical food products such as melinjo crackers and puli crackers (kind of plate cracker that is made from rice).

Puli cracker is food and souvenir typical of Magetan that must be purchased while visiting this location. Puli cracker is typical food that made from rice or sticky rice. The rice or sticky rice is boiled then mixed with bleng (kind of safe borax) sort of salt that has function to be chewy. After that, the mixture is added with spice mace (seasoning to make the plates) plus onion and salt. Furthermore, dough of puli is drained and mashed into one that can be merged. After that, the puli cracker is formed, cut, and dried. After being dried, some slices of puli cracker are put in the packing which ready to be sold in their raw form and ready to be fried. The puli cracker is a kind of crackers that very suitable for a side dish or snack. Many innovate foods are using puli as ingredient like pecel puli that puli cracker is stacked on top of the typical vegetables such as spinach and bean sprouts with peanut sauce. Puli cracker is very easy found in Magetan. You could buy it in the souvenir center on the Sawo Street, Magetan. Even you can buy puli cracker easily in many stalls and and you can also visit directly to the place of manufacture of puli cracker that is located in the Sadewo Village, Sukowinangun District, Magetan.

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