Author Topic: March Birthstone: Aquamarine and Bloodstone  (Read 4831 times)


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March Birthstone: Aquamarine and Bloodstone
| March 01, 2016, 12:28:51 PM
By: Stephanie Dray

Source: and

Aquamarine is March’s birthstone and its blue and green hues help usher in the springtime thaw. Greener aquamarine gemstones herald the arrival of Saint Patrick’s Day and springtime flowers while the bluer stones bring Easter Eggs to mind.

Aquamarine is closely related to emerald, but is itself a unique gemstone in that it almost never has inclusions. Clear as an ocean sky on a sunny day, most aquamarine gemstones are flawless. In fact, perfectly transparent aquamarine occurs so naturally that it was used in the early manufacture of eyeglasses and lenses.


But March has another birthstone, bloodstone, and it represents the more religious overtones of the season. Bloodstone is a type of blue-green chalcedony quartz with red inclusions. Christian lore holds that it was first formed when Christ’s blood was spilt upon the ground. It does indeed give the impression of blood-spattered jasper. The Christian explanation for the formation of bloodstone was so persuasive that bloodstone was used to carve crucifixes, holy beaded jewelry and other relics, and became known as the martyr’s stone. Bloodstone serves even today as a holy stone to wear during March when the crucifixion and the resurrection are observed.


Of the two March birthstones, aquamarine is more durable. Bloodstone scores only a 6-7.5 on the Mohs hardness scale whereas aquamarine scores an impressive 7.5-8. This makes aquamarine the more ideal birthstone because it is largely impervious to scratches, fractures, or other wear and tear. Unfortunately they are also sensitive to light, and can be faded by too much direct exposure. On the flipside, aquamarine can also be heat treated to bring out more intense color.
Of the two March birthstones, aquamarine also might be said to be more soothing. The cool sea-water tints and the dazzling shine can be entrancing; it’s no accident that aquamarine is a color most favored in spa decor around the world.

For most people, March represents a journey from winter to spring, from darkness to light, from old to new. Unsurprisingly, both March birthstones symbolize different aspects of those personal journeys. Bloodstone represents our struggles and tests of faith, whereas aquamarine represents our more visionary and ethereal journeys into springtime. For people born in March, maybe they can find room in their hearts for both of these lovely birthstones.

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Hero Member

Re: March Birthstone: Aquamarine and Bloodstone
Reply #1 | March 22, 2016, 01:58:35 PM
More Info About Aquamarine: March Birthstone

The name Aquamarine speaks for itself, meaning seawater. Aquamarine immediately brings to mind its stunning pastel sky blue or the bright color of the sea.

For centuries, this timeless gemstone has been a symbol of youth, hope, health and fidelity. Since this gemstone is the color of water and the sky, it is said to embody eternal life. It was long thought that Aquamarine has a soothing influence on married couples, making it a good anniversary gift.

Aquamarines are found in a range of blues; from a pale pastel to a greenish-blue to a deep color. Darker shades of blue are increasingly rare and in turn, make the value increase. Aquamarine is frequently a pastel gemstone but the color can be more intense in larger gemstones, smaller aquamarines tend to be less vivid.

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Hero Member

Re: March Birthstone: Aquamarine and Bloodstone
Reply #2 | March 31, 2016, 02:24:00 PM
Healing Properties of The March Birthstone

Aquamarine is a beryl gemstone which beautifully ranges in pale blue, blue-green, and teal. Legend states it originated in the treasure chest of mermaids. Sailor's made it their "lucky stone," and even Romans and Greeks believed it kept them safe. No wonder the name derives from Latin words meaning water and sea! Adopting aquamarine as the March birthstone took place in 1912 and it is also the planetary stone for the month's opening zodiac sign, Pisces.

Although there are many places the stone comes from like Columbia, Zambia, and Madagascar, the most valuable aquamarine is found in Brazil. But even though this unique stone makes an extraordinary jewel in bracelets and necklaces, being a stone promoting peace and clarity, its healing powers are much more intriguing. By wearing it, holding it, or keeping it near you can access its abilities. Here are four healing properties of the March birthstone you didn't know until now!

1. Activation of the Throat Chakra: Being the strongest stone to do such, it stimulates energy from the heart to the throat which allows one to see their inner truth.

2. Increased Spiritual Energy: Aquamarine is a stone of empowerment. With that being, it helps people express their inner knowledge, intuition, and communicate feelings.

3. Stress Relief: With its calming energy, this stone heals grief and difficult emotions.

4. An Awakening Meditation: Meditating with aquamarine can bring new insights from your higher self as well as peace and serenity.

Basically, investing in an aquamarine stone or piece of beaded jewelry definitely has some amazing perks besides looking great! You can accessorize while opening your state of mind. In the brilliant words of Carl Jung, "Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside dreams. Who looks inside awakens."

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« Last Edit: March 31, 2016, 02:26:21 PM by Kristin »