Author Topic: Salak Wedi (Salacca Zalacca Fruit) – The Sweet Bark Fruit from Bojonegoro, East  (Read 2692 times)


Hero Member

Bark (in Indonesia “Salak”) is one of the tropical fruits that are often found in Indonesia with a variety of shapes and flavors. This Salacca Zalacca fruit (Latin name of bark) is also called with “snake fruit” because the fruit skin with scales look like a snake skin. Salak (bark) is one of agro products being featured in Bojonegoro and it’s usually called Salak Wedi because the fruit is in the Wedi Village around Kapas Subdistrict because the skin looks like sand and the fruit is smaller then the other barks, then the fruit is famous as Salak Wedi. Tree bark itself is mostly found in almost every yard of a house in the Wedi Village. The price of Salak Wedi is very affordable with sweet taste, crisp, fresh and great to make hallmark bark from Bojonegoro. Even when compared to other bark , such as Pondoh, water content in Salak Wedi  is fresher than Salak Pondoh. So, this taste makes Salak Wedi is superior than other barks.

Salak Wedi taste is beloved, delicious and fresh. Those trees can be met in every lawn of resident house in Wedi Village and its surroundings. Salak Wedi comes from Javanese language, means Salacca Zalacca fruit looks like sand (Wedi = Sand, Javanese language). The existence of Salak Wedi has been there since tens or even hundreds of years ago, which is hereditary. Until now, the plantation of Salak Wedi has been a source of income for the villagers of Wedi. Usually the best quality of Salak Wedi will be harvested and enjoyed about August to November or during the rainy season.

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