Author Topic: The Royal Diamond  (Read 2531 times)


Hero Member

The Royal Diamond
| April 25, 2016, 03:49:14 PM

Purple diamonds offer an unique, rare difference from the normal diamond that can show amazing taste and a unique personality. The variety of diamonds come in ranges of plum and mauve to lilac and lavender that can come naturally from the earth. True natural purple diamonds are quite rare and can carry a price that reflects their rarity. This unusual, intriguing color can complete diamond collections or provide a way to express a different personality Colored diamond engagement rings as a gift for herand taste. It is refined, yet different. It is one of the most beautiful types of diamonds that many lust over. Depending on the carat the diamonds can cost $2000 to $3000 if they are naturally colored.

Purple reflects dignity, wisdom, and royalty and wearing a purple diamond can show your true self. This unique choice can inspire you to live the life you have always wanted. Having something so rare and unique can assure you that you have something special in your possession. These marvelous stones can purchased for a reasonable price and their rarity assures that you have something that is reflective of your identity. Collectors love purple diamonds, and value them very highly especially in the recent years. Purple is more mysterious then the pink or red diamonds, but still represent love.

You value your money, you value yourself. A purple diamond is the perfect way to show someone you love them in a personal way. The mysterious purple shows that you know what is valuable and are able to take a risk. Straying from the traditional colors allows you to be unique and value your possession even more then the regular diamond. Everyone will admire your unique jewelry and respect your taste. The price reflects the true value of the purple diamond and the value you will take in your beautiful purple diamond.

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