Author Topic: Batik “Dian Kencana” – Workshop and Wholesaler of Variety Batik Cloth and Fabric  (Read 2833 times)


Hero Member

Solo Batik has its own signature that very well known by many Batik lovers. Moreover, Solo has been known and established as one of Batik culture downtown. Dian Kencana is one of Solo Batik workshop in Mangkubumen that offer unique and fashionable Batik products. Here you can find various Batik products that make you look more elegant and fashionable. This workshop offers Solo batik motif with classic colors mix in the form of fabric and shirt for men and women. Dian Kencana provides Solo batik varies from hand-painted, machine-printed, and stamped batik that famous with its sogan (brown) color batik. In addition to batik cloth and fabric, Dian Kencana also serves neon box as media promotion of products.

While Solo itself has the biggest textile and Batik shopping center in Central Java, Dian Kencana is the perfect place to visit and to buy Batik products with affordable price.

Sumarti Bardo Suyitno
Turisari X No.7 Mangkubumen, Banjarsari
Solo – Central Java
Mobile: +62 813 2914 4130

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