Author Topic: The Beautiful Woven Fabric of Indonesia  (Read 1138 times)


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The Beautiful Woven Fabric of Indonesia
| July 11, 2016, 02:18:41 PM

Woven fabric is one of Indonesia handmade products that show the ethnic identity. It also became an Indonesia cultural product icon. There are so many craftsmen from various island and tribe who's produce the woven fabrics. Among of them are usually taking their own tribe motifs.

Unlike the batik is made by describing the candlelight on the surface of the fabric, this one is made by weaving threads into the material using non - machine tool. So, like batik, craftsmanship one piece of woven cloth usually takes quite a long time. Songket also spread all over Indonesia, and each region has motifs and woven fabrics are unique and distinctive. Some areas are famous for tenunnnya fabrics include Bali, Minang, Toraja, and Lombok.

Generally, the woven fabric is usually made to be used as sweeteners clothing, upholstery / furniture gloves, as well as decoration in the house. But, just like batik, woven fabric This has also been used to create modern garments that often you use everyday from bags, shoes, to garnish even now many are decorated with woven fabric.

The craftsmen did not miss the creation of woven into a variety of unique handmade products. For example, there Lawon that makes woven fabric as scarf handmade gorgeous, and there Felistianova and Dr Made With Heart that was concentrated to make the bags handmade and purses handmade uniquely patterned weaves, do not forget there are also Sentanu, Prajna, and Rima Ethnic applying fabric weaving in their footwear products.