Author Topic: Kayuku, A Wooden Glasses From Bantul  (Read 872 times)


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Kayuku, A Wooden Glasses From Bantul
| July 12, 2016, 11:57:56 AM

Nowadays, Indonesia wooden glasses craftsmen has born. The talented craftsmen has create a unique and enchant wooden glasses into a new trend fashion. It makes a powerful attraction for those who's wearing this glasses. That bussiness must be a appropriate place in Indonesia based on its  overflow timber resource.

Kallestory is wooden eyewear brand Jogjakarta has existed since 2014. The brand glasses made wood is made from various kinds of wood ranging from Mapple wood, mahogany, rosewood ( rosewood ), and many more. Each timber glasses is also made with three layers of wood pressed so strong guarantee.

But, that is totally unique from the perspective of artificial Kallestory is personalization. Glasses timber of Kallestory purchased by order, and each time ordering, you can choose from various wood kayumu glasses to be made, then carving what would you give on the side. But not only that, the packaging that you receive when ordering eyeglasses owned timber Kallestory also be personalized by engraving your name ( as shown above ). Thus, each timber glasses made Kallestory guaranteed a truly unique and the only one in the world.

Kallestory had plenty of glasses that you can message, and all models can be given a personalized touch as we mentioned above. The average product prices ranging from Rp 1.1 million to $ 1.6 million, depending on the model you choose. While all the carvings and a touch of personalization can be ordered free of charge.