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Technical Implementation Unit of Food, Beverage, and Packaging Industry



Industrial of Food and Beverage Products in Indonesia, especially in East Java is currently facing increasingly fierce competition from imported product because it has better quality and cheap price, while on the other hand industries of food and beverage products in East Java still face several challenges, among others: Marketing, Production, Promotions and Packaging.

East Java itself has great potential in producing Food and Beverage Industry in both the large, medium and small flat – average every year the number increased about 3.6 %. This is proof of the business opportunities and become entrepreneurs in the food processing and beverage industries in East Java that has experienced progress and development.

To improve the competitiveness of the Food, Beverage and Packaging Industries, the Government of East Java is working to improve the performance of Technical Implementation Unit of Food, Beverage, and Packaging, the part of Department of Industry and Trade in East Java, as well as an opportunity for any company and business that has a scale large, medium and small that engaged in food, beverage, and packaging to obtain needed services and consulting.

Improved performance that conducted by Technical Implementation Unit of Food Beverage and Packaging Industry, Department of Industry and Trade in East Java is starting from: improving public services; increasing the competitiveness of the food and beverage industry; increasing the value -added of food, beverage and packaging industry; enhance the growth of the food and beverage industry business unit; increasing investment growth in the food, beverage and packaging industry; enhance the growth of industrial production value of food. beverage and packaging; and improving the employment sector of the food, beverage and packaging industry.

Besides on that, Technical Implementation Unit of Food Beverage and Packaging Industry, Department of Industry and Trade in East Java is also increasing: services of design and brand of packaging, such as design of packaging, manufacture of logo design and label / etiquette; services of technical flexible and carton, such as sachets packaging, paper packaging, cardboard and boxes packaging, stund pouch packaging, sealer plastic, aluminum sealer, vacuum pack; services of packaging training and seminars, such as packaging workshop, training of food and beverage technology.

For business, company, and industry of food and beverage product in East Java area can use and utilize the facilities of the Government to improve its business products as the answer in the face of competitiveness.

Technical Implementation Unit of Food Beverage and Packaging Industry
Department of Industry and Trade of East Java
Jl. Raya Trosobo KM. 20, Taman – Sidoarjo
Phone/Fax: (+62) 31-7884056
Email: uptimamin(at)gmail(dot)com
Website: [nofollow]


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