Author Topic: August’s Birthstone: Peridot, the Evening Emerald  (Read 2270 times)


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August's birthstone is peridot, a yellow-green gemstone that glows like a firefly on a hot, lazy night. In color, peridot can range from olive to cat-eye green. And unlike cool emerald, with its pine-forest overtones, peridot calls to mind warmer climes. Reminiscent of lemon wedges, watermelon rinds and pistachio ice cream, peridot seems to capture all the memories of summer as of it fades.

Though peridot is one of the more obscure birthstone gems and hasn’t recently been in favor with fashionistas and gem connoisseurs, it was once one of the most prized gemstones in the world.  A very old gemstone, peridot is one of the twelve on the breastplate of Aaron in the Bible.  But somewhere along the way, peridot became so rare and unfamiliar that it was confused with other gemstones like emerald and green tourmaline. Only since modern science has been applied to gemology have some of the great gemstones in royal collections turned out to be peridot.

In spite of its exile from public consciousness, peridot has a rich history. Isiacs in Egypt believed that they could commune with their goddess by drinking out of peridot cups. The Egyptians also fashioned elaborate peridot beaded jewelry and called peridot the “stone of the sun.” Hawaiians believed that peridots they found on sandy beaches were the teardrops of their volcano goddess.

In terms of lore, peridot is strongly associated with nighttime, dreams and eloquence. Ancients believed it warded off anxiety and orators wore peridot beaded jewelry to grace their speeches with luck. Ancient mariners wore the stone to ward off nightmares.

Peridot clocks in at a respectable 6.5-7 on the Mohs scale, making it harder than obsidian but not as hard as aquamarine. Still, it doesn’t scratch easily and requires next to no care, which makes it ideal for birthstone jewelry and everyday wear. As for the valuation of peridot, it depends upon the color. The purer and more vibrant the stone, the higher its value. Peridots tinged with brown, however, are considered less valuable.

The actual, as opposed to commercial, rarity of peridot is in some dispute.  For many years, peridot was found only on a desolate isle near Egypt, so rare as to make it fall out of fashion. However, lower quality peridot discoveries in Pakistan and even Arizona have flooded the market and put this gemstone into an accessible price range.

During August, at summer’s close, the nights are short and the darkness held at bay. So too did our ancestors believe peridot kept away night terrors with its cheerful glow. As such, August’s birthstone is a sentimental favorite--like catching a lightning bug in a jar and wearing it in remembrance all year.

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Hero Member

Re: August’s Birthstone: Peridot, the Evening Emerald
Reply #1 | August 26, 2016, 04:23:41 PM
August - Birthstone - Cleopatra’s Favorite Gemstone

By: Lisa Vella

Perhaps gemstones are one of the greatest gifts we’ve been given in this world.  For thousands of years, they have brought beauty and joy into our lives, and most have interesting folklore and legends associated with them.  The August gemstone, Peridot, is often given to celebrate the 16th wedding anniversary, and is not lacking in either beauty or folklore.

The Egyptians called peridot “the gem of the sun.”  Legend says it was Cleopatra’s favorite gemstone, and historians now believe that many of the “emeralds” she wore were actually peridot because Egypt and Burma were main providers of this gem during ancient times.

Cleopatra’s peridot was not the only example from history when it was mistaken for emeralds.  The Cathedral at Cologne holds within its walls a famous shrine known as the Three Holy Kings.  It is adorned with beautiful jewels of all sorts.  For centuries, one large gemstone that was thought to have been an emerald was recently identified as peridot.   In both of these examples, it’s easy to see how it was mistaken for the emerald because they bear a strong likeness to one another, but peridot is softer in intensity.

Gem quality peridot in the United States comes from Arizona, New Mexico, and Hawaii.  Other sources are Norway, Burma, and islands in the Red Sea.  In 1994, a new deposit was found in Pakistan containing some of the most beautiful and highly valued peridots ever seen.  Finally, one of the most unusual sources of this stone are those found in meteorites.  They are called pallasites, and are the only gems known to come from space.

As with many gems, part of its value is based on clarity; the clearer it is, the more its worth.  A peridot of two to three carats is quite expensive, and an eight carat stone is very rare.  One of the most beautiful and famous peridots in the world is located in the Smithsonian Museum in Washington DC—it is 310 carats!

Because Peridot has been around for thousands of years it is steeped in legend and folklore.  Perhaps it has been known best throughout history for its healing properties.  In ancient times, goblets made of peridot were used for curing maladies because it was thought that medicinal liquids drunk from them were more effective.  Other conditions peridot is known to cure are insomnia, digestive distress, and soothing an upset nervous system.

Not only is peridot known to heal, but it’s also known for protection.  When worn as jewelry it was thought to protect its wearer from evil spirits and if set in gold, its powers were considered even more intense.   

Peridot is symbolic of vitality and strength, associated with stress reduction and relaxation, and is known to enhance emotional well being by bringing happiness and good cheer to those who wear it. Clearly, this gemstone is valued not only for its beauty, but also for the rich history it contains within the very facets of its existence.

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