Author Topic: Handmade Leather Product By Moose MMXIV  (Read 930 times)


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Handmade Leather Product By Moose MMXIV
| August 25, 2016, 05:00:14 PM

Leather is one of the resources that is quite superior in Indonesia. Because of the high quality of the output, many animal skins from Indonesia who dieksopor then reduced quality leather products. If processed by the hands of craftsmen handmade reliable, high-quality animal skin with this certainly could be of genuine leather products are super cool, both in terms of design and overall product quality. And because the materials and the manufacturing process comes from his own country, the price is also able to compete with foreign products.

Opportunity is seen by Stephen Susanto, Eduardus, and Hendry Adithama. Three friends who had been friends since college believes that local handmade products from genuine leather will be well received by the people of Indonesia, especially by those who love genuine leather products. That's the main reason they set up Moose MMXIV in 2014 and then, and make various kinds of genuine leather products from the precious handmade leather bags, leather wallets, leather belts up.

Stephen , Eduardus , and Hendry is a graduate student majoring in Graphic Design class of 2006 at the University of Pelita Harapan . All three are indeed classmates and often do many things together , starting from just hang out, play , to do the work study group . So do not be surprised if the three of them already know each very well and has its own chemistry . Each felt fit to even be invited to work together.

After graduating from college , the trio had split up and get a different job . But that did not stop them from still occasionally meet. Every time they met , they always discuss business ideas to work on together . From there they could trigger some businesses such as selling T - shirts , canvas bags , and so on. But that's only just as a reseller and not actually make their own products .

It was only at an exhibition they are introduced to leather crafting soon after being reunited with one of their business partners . From this partner , they found that Indonesia was included as a producer of quality animal skin . Unfortunately, most genuine leather is then exported abroad , is manufactured into finished products genuine leather , and then ironically sold also to Indonesia at a higher price.

After graduating from college, the trio had split up and get a different job. But that did not stop them from still occasionally meet. Every time they met, they always discuss business ideas to work on together. From there they had mencetuskaMelihat reality once this fact, coupled with the fact that Indonesia actually has many craftsmen handmade reliable, they decided to try working in leather crafting this. Because it is concerned with the design and quality of the child, they finally decided to create a brand and handmade leather products with premium quality, which means having to wear genuine leather.

Finally, they started their ideas with a lot to learn from partners and their associates who had previously been engaged in the world of leather crafting. They need to be less than one year to really learn about everything related to leather crafting. But even then we still have not had enough, still learning why to this day because it was the development of leather industry, were also continues to grow.

Because it comes from the design department, the three founder Moose is quite critical with the results of their products. If we always talk about the design of the 'never satisfied, either from photographs, pakaging, etc. But they are concerned with the quality standard has actually got a good response. With premium quality products designed and critically, many buyers who recognize that the quality of genuine leather products handmade from Moose including a very nice and no less than the famous brand, and even less harganya.n some businesses such as selling T-shirts, canvas bags, and etc. But that's only just as a reseller and not actually make their own products.

It was only at an exhibition they are introduced to leather crafting soon after being reunited with one of their business partners. From this partner, they found that Indonesia was included as a producer of quality animal skin. Unfortunately, most genuine leather is then exported abroad, is manufactured into finished products genuine leather, and then ironically sold also to Indonesia at a higher price.