All About Indonesia Product's Business > Request Furniture Products

Request From Sri Lanka: Looking For Furniture Wholesale Sellers


Dear Sir,

Hello, I'm Titus Jayasooriya from Sri Lanka. I have business of furniture manufacturer and retailer in my country since 1989.
I'm hoping to import furniture product and looking for a good timber furniture supplier.
If you are interested to be furniture supplier in Sri Lanka, please email me in tidanf(at)hotmail(dot)com. Awaiting your earliest reply.

Thank you

Best Regard,

Titus Jayasooriya

Dear Sir/Madam,

We’ve read your post related to importing furniture from Indonesia, and wonder if you would feel interested in Vietnamese  similar products as well.

We’re Qui Phuc, a manufacturing company located in Ho Chi Minh City of Vietnam and specializing in manufacturing and distributing stainless steel furniture, plastic furniture and rattan imitation furniture. We offer our customers very affordable and competitive prices for products with finest quality and safety. You can take a look at our products at our website: quiphuc(dot)com

Should you have any concerns, please feel free to contact me any time via email duy(dot)bui(at)quiphuc(dot)com

Thank you very much.

Sincerely yours,


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