Author Topic: Wijaya Food–Enterprise of Healthy Traditional Cassava Snack and Food from Blitar  (Read 2630 times)


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Cassava is crop product that overflow in the Indonesia. Because of the high carbohydrate content, one of the types of bulbs have been a staple food for most of the population that replacing rice. Not surprisingly, for a long time anyway, people in Indonesia are familiar with variety of processed cassava, such as tiwul, gatot, cassava, getuk, until cassava chips. Variety of processed cassava also has fans in many regions. Unfortunately, although many enthusiasts of tiwul, gatot, or getuk, now, there are not many sellers who can serve processed cassava products. Moreover, in conditions of fast food, processed cassava product is not long-lived, so it can not be taken away or traveling days. As a result, tiwul, gatot, getuk, and others, can only be enjoyed in these areas, not far from the hands of those who can cultivate it. However, the limitations of this would be an opportunity for Hendra Widodo, owner of UD Wijaya Food.

Wijaya Food is a SME (Small Medium Enterprise) of food processing that managed by Hendro. The resulting product of Wijaya Food is healthy foood products, such as rice tiwul, gatot instant, gerit corn, etc. With its production equipment which is well supported by SOPs that clearly makes the quality of production Wijaya Food is excellent. Almost every day Wijaya Food operates with a comprehensive production and workers that make the production process of Wijaya Food no trouble. Additionally circumstances existing warehouse in Wijaya Food is quite good. With instant presentation plus the better packaging, thick plastic, and vacuum, processed cassava of Wijaya Food can last up to one year. Wijaya Food can penetrate its food and snack products to wider market, up to Balikpapan, Makassar, Manado, even, Hong Kong. In addition to processed cassava, Wijaya Food also produces rice with name “Intelligent Rice” that made from corn. The name of product is “Intelligent Rice” because it is made by technology.

Need to buy healthy food and snack for your souvenir? Need supplier of processed cassava product?
 Please visit and contact:

 Healthy Life With Heathy Food
Mr. Hendro W.
Wijaya Food Souvenir Center
 Jl. Raya Kediri No.17 Sanankulon
 Cerme Village, Blitar – East Java
Workshop and Factory
 RT.02 / 01 Ngaglik Village
 Srenget, Blitar – East Java
 Mobile: +62-85853550077 , +62-81252580577

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