Author Topic: An Easy Way Creating Handmade Flower From Ice Cream Stick  (Read 957 times)



People are completed with their creativity, it makes anything can changes to be something useful. In this case means that most of the handmade craft made of recycle stuffs or anything else such as ice cream stick. People might have made flowers out of paper, fabric, plastic spoons etc. Well this is will be even a better idea to make flowers. Why don’t people try flowers made up of ice cream sticks, these are much easier than those complicated stuff.

Ice -cream sticks are also called as Popsicle Sticks. These are light wooden sticks that are commonly used to hold your ice cream bars. everybody is talking about recycling and reusing your stuffs again and again, but how? Thus, in this post everyone will be learning a new idea or tip of reusing. So from the next time onward whenever people eat an ice-cream bar, do not throw it’s stick in the dustbin. Instead, wash it and save it for making these flowers.

Things you need :

? Plain white sheet
? Wooden Ice-Cream sticks
? Scissor
? Fevi-glue
? Acrylic colors
? Paint brushes
? Sketch pens

How To Make:
Well, there’s actually nothing like an accurate procedure for this craft because it depends on how do you try to innovate things and on your imagining power that tends into an innovative craft.

Step 1 :  To create this ice-cream stick flower painting all you need to do is simply make a rough design in your mind and decide where you would like to place these flowers. You can also go through books and Google to search the desired design.

Step 2 :  Once you finalized your design or painting. Start by making or painting the design on a plain sheet of paper or canvas respectively.

Step 3 :  Leave the area where you want to paste your flowers and leaves.

Step 4 :  Now it’s time to cut the flowers petals out of the ice-cream sticks. You better cut the ice-cream sticks with edgy scissor. Don’t mind taking help of an adult for a neat and fair outline.

Step 5 : Here with this step, you are allowed to paint the petals and leaves now.

Step 6 : Next, paste the wooden stick flower petals and leaves on their places firmly.

Step 7 : As you can see, I filled the space left in between the flower petals (where a bud is placed) by way of sketch pen hatching (shading technique).
