IFEX and the IndustryIndonesian furniture and craft industry is one of industries with high contribution to GDP. In 2015, amidst unfavorable condition, the industry still managed to record export value of $1,902 billionor up by 1.3 percent compared to the previous year. Despite the small increase, the figure showed that the industry keeps moving forward and the players have huge optimism to increase the export value in the coming years.
This year, the Indonesia Furniture Industry and Craft Association (HIMKI), as the organization that houses Indonesian furniture and craft industry players, is targeting an export value of US$ 2.2 billion. HIMKI is also targeting a 15 percent annual growth in export value to realize the government's export value of US$ 5 billion by 2019.
One of the mediums used to promote the innovation and excellence of Indonesian furniture and craft products to global audience, while helping to increase the export value, is through the organizing of Indonesia International Furniture Expo (IFEX). IFEX is the largestB2B (business to business)exhibition in Indonesia and in the region. Today, IFEX has become part of the furniture and craftsexhibition circuit in the ASEAN region and established itself as a must-attend exhibition to global furniture and craftindustry players. In addition to the positive support from the association and industry players, IFEX also received full support from four ministries, namely the Ministry of Trade, the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises, and the Ministry of Environment and Forestry.
IFEX comes with the theme of "The Essence of Infinite Innovation", which is intended to elevate the importance of continuous innovation and creativity in the furniture craftindustry in order to produce creative products that baresthe inspiration of local culture and able to adjust to the taste of local and international markets. Through this theme, HIMKI wants to encourage industry players to consistently improving their innovation and creativity to produce quality products with high added value and become the market leader in the global market. On the other hand, this will create positive image globally that Indonesia is the producer of the best furniture and craft products in the world. Innovation and creativity are important values that must be maintained by the furniture industry and craft players to be able to compete with global industry players.
Last year, IFEX increased the exhibition area from 50,000 sqm to 60,000 sqm, including using the new exhibition space in Hall B3 and C3, JIExpo, Kemayoran. The increase was done to accommodate the increasing number of participants from time to time. The transactions value IFEX 2016 also increased and successfully recorded a value of US$ 325 million. The number of visitors also grew to reach nearly 10 thousand visitors. Some countries that joined IFEX 2016, either as participants or visitors, are from Singapore, Malaysia, China, USA, Spain, Australia, and Taiwan. Meanwhile the potential buyers who visited IFEX 2016 came from 112 countries in the world with the United States, Australia and Spain as the top three countries.
The participants and visitors, or potential buyers, of IFEX come from different regions and countries in the world such as Europe, America, Africa, Australia, and Asia. The various increases and improvements secured by IFEX shows that Indonesia remains as one of the main options for global furniture and craftsplayers and buyers. Indonesia has unique characteristics that come from the different cultures that exist in Indonesia. This cultural wealth should be used to enable Indonesian furniture and crafts products to compete and win the global furniture and craftsmarket.
IFEX Supporting ProgramsBesides featuring various Indonesian quality furniture and craftproducts, IFEX also comes with a variety of supporting programs. One of the supporting programs that is essential to the success of the organizing of IFEX is the roadshow held by HIMKI in various cities in Indonesia such as Bali, Bandung, Cirebon, Jakarta, Jepara, Semarang, Solo, Surabaya and Yogyakarta. The roadshow is held to ensure the readiness of industry players to participate and support the success of IFEX.
During the exhibition IFEX also organizes seminars, various awarding programs such as IFEX Awards and Buyers Appreciation Awards, and others. The awarding is intended to stimulate the participants to focus in displaying a variety of innovative and creative products that could become a flagship product to compete in international market. Meanwhile, the seminar is held as part of an effort to provide knowledge on the latest developments in the furniture and craftsworld, not only in Indonesia but also globally.
Last year, the international seminar at IFEX is themed “Reimagining Craft & Design in Asia” that discussed the potential and trend opportunities to developfurniture designsin the world of. The event was held to improve the knowledgerelated to the trend in the world of furniture design, to see the opportunities of future design development, and to understand the potential of Asian design excellence, and the opportunity to provide added value through expertise and material potential of the Indonesian furniture and craft industry.
The speakers of last year’s seminar were individuals whose work has been widely recognized by the public, especially those engaged in the world of product design or interior design, such as Zhu Xiaojie (Opal Furniture, China), Golf Jakkapun Charinrattana (Thailand), and Julian Reuter (Out for Space, Germany). The local speakers in last year’s seminar, among others, are Alvin Tjitrowirjo, Tri Award, and Budi Pradono. The Indonesian designers who spoke at the seminar are those who are internationally well-known, working with products based on local raw materials and mirror the pride of Indonesia talents in the world.
The committee also provides a variety of supporting facilities for the comfort of the exhibitions such as Travel Agents, Freight Forwarder, Free Shuttle Bus, Taxi Counter, Free Interpreter Service, Visa Service, Business Center, ATM Center, Money Changer, Luggage Deposit, Cafeteria & Lounge, Free Wi-Fi, Medical Service, Prayer Room, Kids Corner, Pre-Registration Online, and others. These facilities are provided to facilitate the participants and visitors who come from various countries in the world. The participants and prospective visitors can get the information they need related to the organizing of Indonesia International Furniture Expo (IFEX) and the above facilities through the official website at
Do not forget to follow the exhibition’s social media accounts at
www.facebook.com/ifexid/, Instagram at @ifex_id, and Twitter at @IFEX_Indonesia.