Author Topic: Looking at Natural Stone Sink Made By Boyolangu's Craftsmen  (Read 9434 times)



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One of the houses in Boyolangu Village, Tulungagung, East Java, is one of the Stone craftsmen. Chunks of large stones can be transformed into several devices that can be used daily.
Anang Widianto, one of dozens of stone artisans raised the theme of Natural Stone Sink in many of his works. The sink itself is actually a hand washing place he carved from the original stone. A day he was able to carve 2 to 3 sinks. Anang also does not rule out the possibility of having to run to work on another model of his work.

Natural Stone-Sink From Indonesian Supplier

In making this work, Anang got stone times from various regions including Nganjuk, Pagerwaja (Tulungagung) to Trenggalek. After he got it, with the help of one of his employees in charge of sanding the stone, with his stone cutting tools he immediately took action. Forming several works that functioned as sinks, furniture such as chairs and tables, several orders from customers demanded statues.

"Actually, if there is a special order, we are able to make it so complicated, especially if it is supported by a cutting device," Anang said.

Regarding the price, Anang said, for each seat with the smallest diameter for Rp. 150,000, for a medium-sized chair, it only costs Rp. 250,000. For durability there is no need to deny it, from the usual wooden chairs, Anang dares to guarantee the quality and durability of natural stone products.

In future resolutions, Anang will continue to strive to develop his business, especially the hope is, the emergence of a joint movement in building a creative business center in Tulungagung, so that the price of his craft works can be consistently assumed to be good




Re: Looking at Natural Stone Sink Made By Boyolangu's Craftsmen
Reply #1 | December 19, 2021, 09:32:49 PM
Very atmospheric