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True antiques are hard to come by and the authenticity is difficult to prove. Indonesian antique reproduction furniture exporter, manufacture mahogany and teak wood, offering classic English and french period style. With a number of shops about the country, you’ll find genuine antiques here and some reproductions masquerading as the real thing.

For more info, please contact:
Mochammad Noor ( Mr. Noor )
Sukodono Village, Rt. 04 / Rw. 05, Tahunan
Jepara 59425 – Central Java
Mobile: +62-81325550046 , +62-81325041418
Email: eleganfurniture(at)yahoo(dot)com ,  eleganexport(at)gmail(dot)com, info(at)eleganfurniture(dot)com
Website :
From Administrator / Re: Follow Indonesia Furniture Forum (IFF) on Twitter
« Last post by antonic on December 12, 2023, 07:17:10 AM »
Admin, kenapa saya tidak bisa posting dengan url sumber ya?
Articles about Furniture / 4 Inspirasi Furniture Dalam Mengisi Properti Anda
« Last post by antonic on November 21, 2023, 10:16:46 PM »
Berbeda jenis properti, berbeda juga furniture yang digunakan untuk mengisinya. Rumah, apartemen, ruko ataupun kantor tentu memiliki kebutuhan furniture yang berbeda. Dengan penempatan furniture yang tepat Anda dapat menciptakan atmosfer yang berbeda pada setiap ruangan. Namun yang paling penting adalah bukan hanya agar ruangan enak di pandang, tapi juga terasa senyaman mungkin.

1. Penataan Rumah

Sebagai sebuah tempat tinggal, rumah tipe apapun memberi keleluasaan pada pemiliknya untuk memilih furniture yang disuka dari mulai meja makan dan kursinya, sofa, meja tamu, rak TV hingga ranjang. Satu hal yang mungkin menjadi kelebihan rumah daripada apartemen yaitu keberadaan teras atau halaman belakang rumah. Keduanya bisa menjadi sarana Anda menuangkan kreatifitas dalam hal penataan ruang terbuka dengan bench atau bahkan kursi gantung.

2. Penataan Apartmen

Kendala umum yang seringkali ditemui pada apartemen mungil adalah terbatasnya ruangan sehingga furniture juga harus menyesuaikan. Jika sudah begini, multifungsi adalah solusi yang paling tepat seperti sofa bed atau daybed. Cermin besar juga termasuk multifungsi karena selain untuk mematut diri dan mengesankan ruangan yang lebih besar, ruangan dibalik  cermin dapat digunakan untuk menyimpan pakaian, tas hingga sepatu.

3. Penataan Kantor

Budaya kerja pada sebuah perusahaan dapat terlihat dari penataan ruang kerja yang digunakan. Kesan profesional yang juga akrab bisa didapat dari adanya sofa nyaman dipadukan dengan meja dan cabinet. Pencahayaan terang juga menjadi penunjang dari keseluruhan tatanan. Ditambah dengan pelayanan ramah taman, pelanggan yang kesal sekalipun bisa saja berubah luluh. Ikatan kerjasama dengan klien bisa jadi semakin panjang karena rasa akrab dan diterima dengan baik.

4. Penataan Ruko

Dengan lantai bawah sebagai lokasi usaha dan lantai atas sebagai tempat tinggal, memudahkan pemilik memantau langsung perkembangan bisnis setiap harinya. Sedikit saran penataan ruang bagi Anda yang bergerak di bidang kuliner seperti coffee shop atau kedai makan. Nuansa hangat dengan penggunaan sofa plus cushion atau lounge chair serta coffee table semakin sempurna dengan pencahayaan yang tidak menyilaukan. Sementara kedai makan membutuhkan kesan bersih yang bisa didapat dari penggunaan warna putih pada dinding. Meja dan kursi makan berunsur kayu juga akan memudahkan proses perawatan dan pembersihan.

Here are the unique and special products from Indonesia which are made from hardwood teak.  Teak is a really strong wood and has good natural wood fiber. Hardly suited for engraving both for indoor and outdoor furniture. Teak wood is widely used for its unique properties such as its strength and resilience which allows it to withstand rough climates and weather alike, all while being absolutely stunning, solid, and premium to look at. provides all parts of chess games, like chessman, chessboard, desk, chess accessories, etc. Founded in 1994 is located on Java Island, Indonesia. Since that time, started to create various chess forms, and its products are loved and collected from Europe to Australia, from America to Asia.

Until now the company has exported chess pieces to civil buyers, companies, distributors, hotels, resorts, schools, malls, and other buyers. The Four Seasons Hotel and Shangrila Delano use Giants Chess Sets to decorate their hotels. sells hundreds of chess sets in the world, on five continents with the majority in America and Europe. Even, the products have been declared the biggest chess set in the world by the Guinness World Records book.

Chess in giant size has always looked amazing. Because wooden chess is a carving product with a high thoroughness level. These forms must be unique each chess piece carved in such a way as to get the best results. It is not only beautiful but because it is also strong and durable. Indonesian teak is prized for its strength, and the beauty of its grain, and it is highly suited to finely engraved sculpting.

Because the game of chess is a brain game, this game doesn’t look into the age and place where the game can be played. Therefore, not only adults but also children can play this game without any limits. A standard chess set (King height is 24 inches) is very decorative. The product decoration is very accurate and combines unique style with elegance so that it is not easy to imitate by other firms. Because of that reason, professional chess players, exhibitions, and festivals are often glad to find the site.

Contact Us
Surabaya, East Java
WA : +62-811305397
Email: info(at)
Here are the unique and special products from Indonesia which are made from hardwood teak.  Teak is a really strong wood and has good natural wood fiber. Hardly suited for engraving both for indoor and outdoor furniture. Teak wood is widely used for its unique properties such as its strength and resilience which allows it to withstand rough climates and weather alike, all while being absolutely stunning, solid, and premium to look at. provides all parts of chess games, like chessman, chessboard, desk, chess accessories, etc. Founded in 1994 is located on Java Island, Indonesia. Since that time, started to create various chess forms, and its products are loved and collected from Europe to Australia, from America to Asia.

Until now the company has exported chess pieces to civil buyers, companies, distributors, hotels, resorts, schools, malls, and other buyers. The Four Seasons Hotel and Shangrila Delano use Giants Chess Sets to decorate their hotels. sells hundreds of chess sets in the world, on five continents with the majority in America and Europe. Even, the products have been declared the biggest chess set in the world by the Guinness World Records book.

Chess in giant size has always looked amazing. Because wooden chess is a carving product with a high thoroughness level. These forms must be unique each chess piece carved in such a way as to get the best results. It is not only beautiful but because it is also strong and durable. Indonesian teak is prized for its strength, and the beauty of its grain, and it is highly suited to finely engraved sculpting.

Because the game of chess is a brain game, this game doesn’t look into the age and place where the game can be played. Therefore, not only adults but also children can play this game without any limits. A standard chess set (King height is 24 inch) is very decorative. The product decoration is very accurate and combines unique style with elegance so that it is not easy to imitate by other firms. Because of that reason, professional chess players, exhibitions, and festivals are often glad to find the site.

Contact Us
Surabaya, East Java
WA : +62-811305397
Email: info(at)
Stones Manufacturers / Re: Sinar Batu Alam
« Last post by indonesiafurniture on September 15, 2023, 11:34:09 AM »
How to make a romantic bathroom or kitchen feel close to nature, powered with the beauty of natural stone bathtubs and sinks.

Indonesian Natural Stone comes in a beautiful array of colors. Granite and marble can range from soft beiges and pinks to classic blacks and whites, to rich reds, greens, and multi-colors. The varied appearance of natural stone gives it wonderful character and creates a one-of-a-kind effect anywhere it is used.

More products, contact:
Sinar Batu Alam
Jl. Raya Lingkar Timur Kemiri,
Sidoarjo, East Java, INDONESIA
Besides being used for furniture materials, rattan is also used for handicrafts and souvenir products. People can use rattan crafts to create an eco-friendly atmosphere for their home living, such as; rattan baskets, indoor and outdoor rattan furniture, table-set rattan crafts, and others.

Good rattan outdoor furniture depends on its rattan quality. You should choose good quality rattan if you want your rattan furniture durable for years. The thickness of rattan determines price as well as quality. The larger the diameter of the stem, the sturdier the piece of furniture. The smoothness of the rattan stem determines the quality of the color and finish.

Cantik Rattan manufactures only work with high-quality materials and experienced developers. All materials will get a pass certificate and will be processed by quality assurance officers in each unit before packing. The company guarantees that all products are already checked by quality assurance, to assure top-quality product output.

All the woven furniture in the collection is hand-made using a well-known plastic fiber such as Viro or Rehau. The fiber is made in Indonesia but with German technology and has unsurpassed qualities. The furniture is dirt-repellent, very solid environmentally friendly, toxic-free, and recyclable. Cantik Rattan pieces of furniture last for 4 seasons, from pouring rain to the burning sun. As well as being non-fading, the collection is UV and water-resistant and is maintenance-free.

Cantik Rattan
Blok Gintung Rt. 012 / Rw. 004, Desa Getasan, Kecamatan Depok, Kabupaten Cirebon – Indonesia
sales(at) / cantikdanindorattan(at)
Mobile: +62 821 2639 0909
Other Products Of Indonesia / piring dan alat
« Last post by sstl on August 20, 2023, 03:52:47 AM »
Salam sejahtera,

Saya ingin mencari informasi mengenai produk piring dan alat makan dari daun kelapa yang mungkin diproduksi oleh perusahaan Anda. Saya tertarik dengan produk-produk ramah lingkungan dan berkelanjutan, dan sepertinya daun kelapa merupakan bahan yang ideal untuk piring dan alat makan tersebut.

Apakah Anda memiliki produk-produk seperti piring atau alat makan yang terbuat dari daun kelapa dalam katalog produk Anda? Saya ingin mengetahui lebih banyak tentang spesifikasi produk, desain, kapasitas produksi, dan opsi kustomisasi yang mungkin tersedia.

Selain itu, apakah perusahaan Anda memiliki sertifikasi atau pendekatan khusus terkait keberlanjutan dan aspek lingkungan dalam produksi? Saya sangat peduli dengan produk-produk yang memiliki dampak positif terhadap lingkungan.

Tolong berikan informasi lebih lanjut tentang produk Anda, termasuk harga dan syarat-syarat pembelian. Jika memungkinkan, mohon sertakan juga katalog produk atau gambar produk yang tersedia.

Terima kasih banyak atas perhatian Anda. Saya sangat berharap dapat menjalin kerja sama yang berarti.

Hormat saya,
All products made from strong and kiln-dry wood, designed with the best system and construction to minimalist cracking, warping and bending that known as the characteristics of woods.

Elegance Direct is a direct exporter and supplier of antique reproduction and Indonesian furniture that are hand carved from mahogany wood, teak wood, suar wood, etc

For business inquiry:
E-mail : elegancedirect(at)

Website :
This stylish and spacious natural teak wood rectangular coffee table has a wide lower shelf . Other Jepara Indo Furniture pieces sold separately. Please note that this item is made from natural teak wood that, when exposed to the elements, ages beautifully to a silvery-gray tone over time.

Jepara Indo Furniture
   Jalan. Kemuning Raya
   Krapyak RT/RW: 5/9 Jepara
   Central java
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