Author Topic: FORUM RULES  (Read 19469 times)




| February 09, 2007, 10:57:00 AM
Please, follow this forum's rules and post to the appropriate topic. We will delete the posts/account or ban your IP if you are not follow this forum's rules.

This forum dedicated to individual or company that interesting/running in furniture business, not other. If you have the furniture product and/or furniture's accessories, please post here.

Indonesia Furniture Forum Rules - MUST Read Before Posting:

1. Avatar / Profile Photo
    It is prohibited to use avatars / Photo Profile that contain elements of racism and pornography

2. Signature
    Font size Maximum: 3
    Maximum line: 5
    Maximum image size: 468 x 120 pixels
    Maximum file size: 50 kb
    It is not allowed to post something that contain racism and pornography.
    The signature that broke the violation will be edited or deleted without prior warning.
    For those who find / see the signature in excess of the provisions, please report it to admin / moderators.

3. Advertisement / Advertising / Promotion of Goods & Services / Reference (link)
    The tread in case ad / promotion of goods and services may only be posted in the sub-forum of Business Furniture
    If you are interested in advertising with banner on the IFF, just contact the admin or moderator.
    It is prohibited for promoting other forums and commercial sites in the form of a link in the discussion or anything.

4. Subject / Content / Prohibited Actions
    Spamming :
    Do not make posts that contain of advertising, transactions, commercial activities / affiliate / referral / any MLM a in the forums! Not in the form of text, image and links.
    Flaming :
    Do not make posts that contain vulgars words, disrespectful, insulting, racist, pornography, incitement, hatred, violence, religious debates, demeaning, and matters related.
    Cross-posting :
    Do not make the same post on more than one sub-forum!
    Illegal Material :
    You may not post something that containing material / information that are contrary to law and criminality, such as dividing the link for crack, serial number, file illegal and pirated material, like Applications, Audio, Games, Videos, Movies and the like; viral attachment, illegal hacking, and pornography!

    Hacking :
    It is strictly forbidden to do the modifications which are not permitted to feature Indonesia Furniture Forum, such as SQL Injection or abusing / modifying scripts or any reason related!

    Cloning :
    It is strictly forbidden to create a new account that is a clone with a negative purpose or flaming!
    Pimping :
    Do not advertise forum, web, URL or class of private property for commercial purposes and the member get member!

Sub Forum: Make a topic / thread in the appropriate sub forum. Once again, the thread about the ad / promotion of goods and services may only be posted in the sub forum Business Furniture. Please do report if there is a topic / thread that is not in accordance with sub-forum.

5. Suggestions and Questions
Questions / suggestions / criticisms for Admin, Moderator, and IFF in general can be submitted in sub-post in the forum Feedback & Help Desk. The reports of problems can be sent to the thread related, including the url / link that threaded.

6. Infarction / Banning
Members who violate the rules will get sanctions, warning through PM, infraction until banned.

Unable to post?
If you have difficulties to make a post / topic / thread / reply on anything at this forum, it means that your status has not been verified. Please check your email and click verification link from the IFF at the time of registration. If you still encounter problems about the post, please contact us.

Welcome aboard to all members. Behave and be informative.


IFF Admin
« Last Edit: December 08, 2011, 04:10:46 PM by larik »