Author Topic: Looking For Rattan Canvas Furniture Requested By Stroigrad Company From Rusia  (Read 3455 times)


Global Moderator


Good afternoon!
Do you produce rattan canvas? Here you may see details:
Here is our catalogue, starts from page 50 up to 53.
1) width 0.60 m, length 15 meters.
2 width 0.90 m, length 17 meters.
Made from the middle of rattan.
Please check information below. I am looking forward for your reply.
Best regards,

Catatan :
Kepada rekan-rekan pengusaha furniture dari Indonesia yang berminat untuk mengirim penawarannya, silahkan posting :
1) Nama perusahaan anda
2) Contact person
3) Alamat email
4) Website
di halaman ini, moderator  akan mengirimkan "Contact Person dan Alamat Email dari importir" tersebut ke email Anda.

1) Nama perusahaan anda: Kokean Furniture
2) Contact person: 085727275995
3) Alamat email: [nonactive]
4) Website: newbielink: [nonactive]