Author Topic: recycle material for stool and coffee table  (Read 2043 times)



recycle material for stool and coffee table
| November 29, 2014, 09:56:14 AM
Hi All,

hope all is well with you!

so glad to be here in this forum and i hope we can share lots of good things especially for newbie like me. i always like to create something and make people happy from what i do. and now i started to design and make some furnitures and slowly bring it to the real business. me and my partner love the idea of green furniture combine with recycle fabric and indonesian unique touch. mostly we design our product now like the product i recently made myself is the stool and coffee table made of recycle material like jeans, reclaimed wood and recycle drum. to see our collection and get to know us better please visit our website newbielink: [nonactive] and we can also be found on facebook page newbielink: [nonactive] please help to share and like it...

and input and comment will be much appreciated. have a great day

Vitri from Bali