Author Topic: The Ethnic and Unique of Bodo Cloth  (Read 2200 times)


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The Ethnic and Unique of Bodo Cloth
| February 04, 2016, 03:38:04 PM

Makassar, Mandar and Bugis (South Sulawesi), has one of the products of the proud culture and has become an icon of South Sulawesi province, namely Bodo Cloth. Bodo Gesung  is another name of Bodo Cloth. Gesung Bodo itself means a short-sleeved shirt and bubbly because at the back of bubbles. Among the traditional clothing owned South Sulawesi, Bodo cloth is the oldest age clothes. Such as custom clothing provinces on the island of Sulawesi, Bodo Cloth consists of a blouse as the top clothing and gloves as clothing underneath. While her blouse consists of 2 types of Bodo and Labbu. Labbu Cloth is another type of long -sleeved Bodo Cloth. Bodo Cloth as described earlier including traditional Indonesian clothing types of clothing belonging to her blouse and bra on the wrap dress in the sheath.

Textiles have been known by the people of Sulawesi  young stone age. But social change brought about changes in all aspects of life, then comes the organized society with all forms of regulation. Ties of cooperation such as making crafts as jewelry such as bracelets and necklaces, weaving textiles and clothing from materials began making stoneware pot society at that time.

At first Bodo Cloth made ??from red or black gauze duplicate and in tapioca flour, so it is twice the length dress with a width of approximately one meter. The cloth was then folded lengthwise. Both the remaining stitches, then disiskan 12 cm as the arm pits. In order ballooned part time wear a little hole in the sleeve roll up. Gloves are not tied at the waist but only just held with the left hand.

Rectangular shape is characteristic of the shirt are guy. Another distinctive feature is that no Bodo shirt sleeves, side stitched blouse, blouse bulging shape of the body, the top of which is perforated to include the head as well as a line for the neck hole, has no seam on the shoulder joint, wear an ornament of the pieces spherical metallic gold around the edges and surface of the blouse.

There are regulations regarding the use Bodo Cloth. Each color indicates the level of the age of women who wear it. For example, the color orange is only used by women aged 10 years . Orange and blood red color used by women aged 10-14 years . Blood red color for 17-25 years . The white color is used by the host and shaman. The green color is for the daughter of nobility. Purple color worn by widows.

Bodo Cloth is formerly often used as party clothing, for example at the wedding. Much earlier again, Bodo Cloth is often used in funeral ceremonies and celebrations. Due to the changing times, the use of Bodo Cloth has begun to erode. Therefore, people prefer kebaya modern, evening dress, or dresses that seem more fashionable and simple. But Bodo Cloth is still being used by the bride at the wedding reception or ceremony.

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