Author Topic: Baltic Amber – Benefits, Power and Energy  (Read 3212 times)


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Baltic Amber – Benefits, Power and Energy
| March 14, 2016, 03:16:42 PM

About Baltic Amber Gemstone

Baltic Amber is not exactly a stone, but it is a fossilized tree sap which is known since the past time. This stone is much expensive because of its beauty and warm nature. It is used as a jewelry stone and is engraved in various types of jewelry.

The way in which it is used in the jewel pieces is similar to the way according to which, the emeralds and diamonds are used. It is also not considered as a mineral but is usually accepted as a fossilized tree resin or sap. This stone comes in various colors like brown, pale yellow, green, whites and some with the mixed colors too. It is found beneath the earth and besides the seashore of Baltic. It is also well composed of the fossilized residue of the early insects.

How to identify Baltic Amber Gemstone

In order to identify a true Baltic Amber gem, you will have to rub it with a clean cloth, if it is real then a light smell of camphor and a static electricity will get produced. You may also test its originality by putting it into a bowl of salt water. If it floats then it is real otherwise the fake one will sink.

Where is Amber stone found?

 Since the ancient era, the Baltic Sea is the only destination where this stone is found. Earlier it was also founded in Neolithic funeral areas. In fact, there are other places too in this world where this stone is found like New Zealand, Burma (Myanmar), Lebanon, Romania, Sicily and in the Northern and Southern parts of America.

How to take a good care of  Baltic Amber gemstone?

There are various tips that you may follow to avoid the scratches and chipping of a baltic amber gemstone. Few of them are mentioned below, so follow them and take care of such precious gems.

- This stone is so soft that a keen protection should be taken so that it can’t get break off or lose its shine through various scratches.
- When you remove amber jewel piece then you should wrap them in a cotton or soft cloth or may also keep it in a padded jewelry box.
- In fact, you should also take of chipping and rubbing of stones in a single bead.
- You should make use of all the cosmetic products before wearing them as the chemicals may harm the luster and shine of amber gems.
- Don’t clean them with the harsh cleaners, soaps or with the hard cloth as it may harm its gleam.
- You may use the cloth saturated in lukewarm water to clean amber jewel pieces.
- Then you may apply olive oil so that it may turn its dull gaze to a shiny one.

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