Author Topic: Tie & Dye Batik Dudung from Pekalongan – Central Java  (Read 2443 times)


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Tie Dye Batik Dudung offers its special batik products that made from tie and dye process. The process of tie-dye typically consists of folding, twisting, pleating, or crumpling fabric or a garment and binding with string or rubber bands, followed by application of dye(s). This shop sells not only special motifs and design of Batik fabrics and clothes, but also various kind of leather puppets. Bring the unique motif creation from Pekalongan, this shop presents the creation of tie-dye batik and stamp batik that made by traditional ‘canting’ and fully handmade.

Moreover, Dudung who is the owner of this shop and batik craftsman also provides courses to those who want to learn about hand-painting and handicrafts. It focuses on training and education about batik culture and values, its history and economics. Indonesian batik has thousands of variety and well known worldwide.

Visit the shop at:

Tie & Dye Batik Dudung
Jl. Kurinci 26, Pekalongan
Central Java – Indonesia
Phone: +62 285 423 614

Or you can visit this worksop at Gamer Grocery Market, JL. Dr. Sutomo , Gamer, Pekalongan, 51123 East Pekalongan – Central Java

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