Author Topic: Uses of Granite  (Read 2411 times)


Hero Member

Uses of Granite
| May 12, 2016, 04:03:38 PM

Granite as a Building Material

Granite is one of the most popular building materials. It has been used for thousands of years in both interior and exterior applications. Granite dimension stone is used in buildings, bridges, paving, monuments and many other exterior projects. Indoors, polished granite slabs and tiles are used in countertops, tile floors, stair treads and many other design elements. Granite is a prestige material, used in projects to produce impressions of elegance and quality. Some interesting uses of granite are shown below.

What is "Granite"?

The definition of "granite" varies. A geologist might define granite as a coarse-grained, quartz- and feldspar-bearing igneous rock that is made up entirely of crystals. However, in the dimension stone trade, the word "granite" is used for any feldspar-bearing rock with interlocking crystals that are large enough to be seen with the unaided eye. By this classification, rocks such as anorthosite, gneiss, granite, granodiorite, monzonite, syenite, gabbro and others are all sold under the trade name of "granite".

Granite Countertops

One of the most familiar uses of granite in the United States is in kitchen countertops. The countertop pictured above was made from a solid slab of granite that was cut to custom shape and edge-finished. Increased demand for granite countertops has inspired a large number of kitchen contractors to acquire the expertise and equipment to install them. As a result they can usually be ordered from and installed by a local dealer instead of a company located hundreds of miles away. For this product, increased demand has actually reduced the installed price to a level that is within reach of the average homeowner.

Granite Backsplash

In addition to solid slab countertops, granite tiles can be used to create a colorful and durable work station.

Granite Building Stone

The building above was built with granite blocks. Granite blocks for construction can be rough on all sides or finished on one or more sides. In this photo, a combination of rough and finished granite surfaces produce an elegant appearance. Note how most of the blocks used in this wall have both rough and finished sides. This yields tightly fitting joints but a rough surface texture. However, blocks used at window sill and roofline levels are finished on all sides. Rough-cut blocks are the least expensive and provide a rugged appearance. Finishing the blocks is expensive but yields a more refined appearance

Granite Tile

Granite tiles are often used as flooring and wall panels to produce an elegant, high-luster space. The stone used for these tiles would be called "gabbro" by geologists but the term "granite" is used in the decorative stone trade - see the box at right for definitions of granite.

To be Continued

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Hero Member

Re: Uses of Granite
Reply #1 | May 13, 2016, 04:20:05 PM
Fact about Granite

Granite, which makes up 70–80% of Earth's crust , is an igneous rock formed of interlocking crystals of quartz , feldspar , mica, and other minerals in lesser quantities. Large masses of granite are a major ingredient of mountain ranges. Granite is a plutonic rock, meaning that it forms deep underground. Slow cooling gives atoms time to migrate to the surfaces of growing crystals, resulting in a coarse or mottled crystalline structure easily visible to the naked eye.

Geologists have debated rival theories of granite's origin for over 150 years. The two theories most favored today are the magmatic theory and the hypermetamorphic theory. Supporters of the magmatic theory observe that granite is strongly associated with mountain ranges, which in turn tend to follow continental edges where one plate is being subducted (wedged under another). Tens of kilometers beneath the continental edge, the pressure and friction caused by subduction are sufficient to melt large amounts of rock. This melted rock or magma ascends toward the surface as large globules or plutons, each containing many cubic kilometers of magma. Apluton does not emerge suddenly onto the surface but remains trapped underground, where it cools slowly and may be repeatedly injected from beneath with pulses of fresh magma. To become surface rock, a solidified pluton must finally be uplifted to the surface and stripped bare by erosion .

The ultrametamorphic theory, in contrast, argues that granite is not formed from raw magma but consists of sedimentary rock thoroughly melted and re-crystallized. Most geologists now argue that granites can be formed by magmatism, ultrametamorphosis, or a combination of both.

Until recently, geologists thought that plutons of granitic magma would require millions of years to ascend to the surface. However, laboratory experiments with melted rock has shown that granitic magma is thin and runny enough (i.e., of low viscosity) to squirt rapidly upward to the surface through small cracks in the crust. Granite plutons may thus be created in 1,000–100,000 years, rather than in the millions of years previously thought. The precise origin and process of granite formation continues to be a subject of active research.

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Hero Member

Re: Uses of Granite
Reply #2 | May 16, 2016, 04:24:51 PM
Uses of Granite (Part II)

Granite Paving Stone

Granite paving stones or "pavers" can make a colorful and interesting way of paving a driveway or patio. The beauty of natural stone, combined with expert craftsmanship and design can produce a unique and lasting result. In the past granite blocks were often used to pave city streets. However, concrete and asphalt have replaced most of this work because of the lower material and construction cost

Granite Facing Stone

In large construction projects granite can be used in two different ways: 1) as a structural element, and 2) as decorative facing or veneer.

Granite Memorial

Granite is the stone most often used as a grave marker in the United States and many other countries. It is a durable, attractive material, especially when polished. Granite is also the rock type most often associated with "permanence". This psychological association increases the appeal of granite as a memorial stone.

Granite Curbing

Granite is often used as a street curbing. Curbs made from granite are more durable than those made of concrete. They also provide a more decorative appearance

Azurite Granite as a Gemstone

One of the most interesting types of granite ever found has been named "K2" after the second tallest peak in the world. At the base of the mountain is found a limited exposure of granite with bright blue azurite orbs that are typically about 1 centimeter across. Most people can't believe that azurite actually occurs within granite.

Granite Monument

Granite offers an unlimited array of choices in colors and shapes. It can be finished in a multitude of ways and any special designs and carvings are inexpensive enough that they can be the rule rather than the exception.

Granite Slabs

Projects begin with an idea and a rough piece of rock. If you have read this far you are definitely interested in granite. A trip to a local stone yard might inspire you to enrich your surroundings with some interesting granite features.

Article By: Hobart King
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