Author Topic: How to Lay River Pebble Pavers  (Read 1853 times)


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How to Lay River Pebble Pavers
| May 25, 2016, 03:22:50 PM
By: Tara Shore

River pebble stone pavers are similar to other pavers in size and shape, but contain pebbles set in a concrete type material to create a more natural rustic look. The pebbles secured on the surface come in various sizes and natural shades of color, so that you can select the right style for your yard. The simplest way to install this type of paver in your landscaping is as stepping stones along a pathway, filling in around them with other natural materials like grass or mulch.
Outline the path with wooden stakes spaced 2 to 3 feet apart. Wrap twine around each stake and run it along the outside of the paving area.
Clear out any debris or previous plantings, gravel or mulch, using a shovel. Set aside anything you wish to reuse around the path or in another area of the garden.
Mark the location of the first stepping stone with a spray painted X. Measure 24 inches -- the average person's walking gait -- from the center of the first X down the path and mark another X. Continue measuring and marking until you are at the end of the path. Be sure to make each mark in the center of the path between the two rows of twine.
Place the pavers over their marks and walk the path at a normal gait. Adjust the pavers as you see fit to make the path comfortable and ensure that they are centered.
Use the flat blade of a garden trowel to cut into the ground around each river pebble paver, creating an outline. Move the pavers back off the path.
Measure the thickness or height of the pebble pavers. Dig out the earth inside the outlines to a depth equal to the thickness of the pavers plus 1 inch.
Add 1 1/4 inches of crushed gravel to each paver hole and pack it down with your foot; this elevates your pavers enough to keep water from pooling on top of them, but not high enough to create a tripping hazard.
Place the river pebble pavers into the holes and stand on each one for a few minutes to help it settle into place. Press your foot on the ground around the edges of paver to pack the earth back down around them. Fill in the path with other materials such as mulch, sand, gravel, grass, moss or other groundcovers.

Things You Will Need

- Wood stakes
- Hammer
- Twine
- Shovel
- Measuring tape
- Spray paint
- Garden trowel
- Crushed gravel
- Gardening gloves

Because of the digging involved, protect your hands from blisters by wearing gardening gloves.