Author Topic: Tilapia Skin Accessories by Jasper  (Read 1353 times)


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Tilapia Skin Accessories by Jasper
| June 30, 2016, 02:22:45 PM

Leather bracelet, or sometimes known as leather goods, is one kind of unique accessories. In addition to the unique, genuine leather accessories from lasting too long, like genuine leather in general. Typically, leather goods are made and sold by the main ingredient leather livestock, and the most common is cowhide or sheepskin, with the tanning process which may vary.

But, in addition to using cowhide, sheepskin, or reptile skins like python often you hear, there are many more genuine leather which is then used to make accessories. One of them is the accessories with materials of leather or tilapia skin from Jasper.

Based in Jogja, Jasper is a brand artisans who sell a variety of leather accessories with tilapia as the main ingredient and / or the main attraction . Accessories design itself is simple, but in order with a variety of colors as well as the workmanship and the end result is neat. For you who are looking for unique accessories and is suitable for casual wear, accessories from Jasper this could be one choice.

Behind the brand and its products are attractive, there are many stories and exciting experiences that experienced by both its founder, namely Eirene Ganap and Anjar Widyarosadi, before finally establishing Jasper like that now.

The idea of making accessories from tilapia skin is actually not their first idea. Previously, they had tried to make accessories with materials beads, wood, and so on. But, on average, that idea foundered due to various factors, such as too many rivals. The idea of using the skin 's own tilapia emerged in October 2014 ago.