Author Topic: A Cutie Handmade Pillow Case by Qnie Gallery  (Read 1158 times)


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A Cutie Handmade Pillow Case by Qnie Gallery
| July 15, 2016, 04:49:25 PM

Now the pillow is not only a permanent resident in the bedroom. Its function is developed to fit well into the couch cushions adorning your living room to a neck pillow that absorbed taken the streets . From the development of the function, of course, the aesthetic value of the pillow 's growing anyway . No wonder so many local artisans who compete to create a unique and comfortable pillowcases to be wrapping your beloved cushions.

Various motif fabric was processed and dikreasikan a cute pillowcase . Batik has been doing well become a popular material to be made into pillowcases batik . Not only because of various motives are elegant and attractive , pillowcases batik on fabric of choice for soft and cool so it is more comfortable to wear to bed or lean.

If you're the type of person who upholds the comfort and beauty, it is definitely a pillowcase batik be your choice . Now you do not even need complicated search for the pillowcases of batik with a beautiful design and quality materials as various local craftsmen.

Local craftsmen from Bogor, this is one of the craftsmen who produce batik pillowcases cute and unique for you , namely Qnie Gallery. Craftsmen who this one is not only producing batik pillows , but also various other handmade objects . Batik itself into a base material that characterizes Qnie Gallery in each product . Not only paste using batik batik or in full, with creative Qnie Gallery always apply batik into unique designs

Especially for pillowcases batik , design the owl with a variety of unique words into the theme. In each of these designs , batik fabrics are always tacked neatly so it looks very interesting . Old school old-fashioned impression or you will not find on the pillowcases Bogor batik craftsmen 's style . Basically fabric itself using plain weave fabric that is comfortable for disandari or laid.

Even so unique and creative , you only need to disburse Rp 75,000 to be had pillowcases batik from Qnie Gallery. Pillowcases batik is not dead , is'nt it? Moreover, by looking at the various collections of local craftsmen pillowcases above . This proves batik design is always up to date and is also suitable for young people.