Author Topic: “Kampung Jamur” – Place of Mushroom Cultivation in Wadungasih Village, Sidoarjo  (Read 2153 times)


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Mushroom cultivation is not new in Indonesia. However, the success of the plant cultivation, especially mushroom cultivation is not necessarily the case in all places. One of regions of mushroom cultivation, Sidoarjo is able to make mushroom village developed by local residents. Wadungasih Village is center of mushroom growers that being developed. The village is located 3 kilometers north of the city center and it’s not hard to find this place. In addition to rather popular because of good quality of mushroom, the number of mushroom cultivations there are yet unrivaled, particularly in Sidoarjo and Surabaya. Because of many mushroom cultivations there, Wadungasih Village in the Buduran District, Sidoarjo, East Java has a new “Village of Mushroom” or “Kampung Jamur” in Indonesia’s wordplay. Many residents in the village over the last decade develop the mushroom cultivation. Various kinds of processed products are favored people from outside of Sidoarjo. In fact, some large of supermarkets also ask supplied in large quantities about five hundred pounds till one ton per day.

The village of Mushroom in Wadungasih was released by the Sidoarjo Regent in 2010. This village has been visited by many local and foreign tourists, as well as college students from various universities. Many school students also come to visit the Wadungasih Village just to see or do research about the mushroom cultivation. Treatments of oyster mushrooms re relatively and making the village residents are tempted to make it as a source of additional income. The treatment itself is only watered enough alone. With farming location in a room, and the shelves where the mushrooms are developed. To maintain the room temperature is still moist, the soil in the room is full with sand. In addition to keeping the temperature humidity, sand has function as a water absorbent, as well as for water that thrown into the mushroom does not become puddles of water and mosquito breeding.

Going forward, Wadungasih villagers hope to build Café and Resto that serve special mushroom product and it can spoil the lovers of mushrooms. In terms of governance, they also hope to be able building and moving to larger mushroom cultivation area and close to the river, so that water needs can be easier access. So, if you want to buy mushrooms in “Kampung Jamur”, there is including stable selling prices. The price of fresh mushrooms both harvest mushroom or not is just about fifteen thousand rupiahs per kilogram. If you’re interested with mushroom products, please come and visit “Kampung Jamur” in Wadungasih Village, Sidoarjo, East Java.

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