Author Topic: 10 Ways to Create the Most Awesome Coffee Table Displays  (Read 808 times)


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By: Abe Abbas

Source: www(dot)pinterest(dot)com

Ah coffee table displays! So many don't go beyond ill assorted stacks of magazines, coasters, and empty coffee mugs. And there is nothing wrong with such arrangements if you consider coffee tables to be just pieces of functional furniture and no more.

However, they do present you with an opportunity to express yourself and create a very individual, personalized look for your family room or living room. This is where you can choose be playful, curate a collection, or introduce interesting themes and ideas.

Source: decoratingfiles(dot)com

1. Display Collectibles

A coffee table is a great place to show off your collectibles. They might be from your travels, or collections built up over time from visits to local antique stores. A word of caution: too many objects can be confusing, so make a selection. If you love collecting and have lots of collectibles, change your selections out over time. Share your interests here.

2. Display What is Personally Meaningful

These might be objects that hold a lot of value for you, or maybe you connect with them in a personally meaningful way. These can also be objects that you have made yourself. They don't even have to be of outstanding artistic value. The idea is to express yourself.

3. Explore Themes

Maybe you are interested in telling a story, and this is when you can select to display objects that fit a theme. For instance if you are interested in travel, you can display travel books and magazines alongside some objects that say travel.

4. Play with Textures

Pair interesting textures together to create a display that is eye catching. Smooth surfaces paired with rough ones, or fragile looking objects with heavy ones create displays that pull you in. There is the element of surprise with unexpected juxtapositions that can keep these arrangements interesting.

5. Play with Color

Coffee table displays can be used to ramp up the color in a room. Go for bright accessories that display bursts of color. However if you have a busy or highly colorful carpets, upholstery patterns or pillows you may want to quieten the volume of color with a more muted arrangement. In that case select neutral colors such as greys, blacks or tans to provide a space where your eyes can rest.

Source: dighousedesign(dot)com

6. Bring Nature in

Rock collections, pebbles, driftwood, and shells are all things that can be used for beautiful arrangements. They bring a whole world of exciting textures and colors to your living room. These objects can even introduce a very Zen feel to your space.

7. Add Flowers for Flourish

If you love flowers, this is where you may want to display them in a very central place. And this place is not just for cut flowers, but also smaller potted plants such as bromeliads, orchids as they can be quite spectacular.

8. Break Up the Surface

Trays not only serve a functional purpose, they also help break down the big rectangle into smaller rectangles and squares. Trays can hold some of your display objects more neatly, as can boxes or other containers. For instance, if you may want to use them with your nature themed displays.

9. Vary Object Heights

There is nothing more boring than sameness, so pay attention to the size and height of the objects that make up your display. A variation in height helps to make the arrangement more interesting.

10. Make it Minimal

And finally, you can always make your display more effective by making it entirely minimal. You don't have to cover the entire surface with objects and accessories. Some tables are gorgeous enough on their own, and deserve to be stars in their own right.

Article Source: furniture(dot)about(dot)com