Looking for classic and antique furniture with high quality export? You come to the right place, Elegan Furniture. This manufacturer proudly offers you various range of Indonesia fine furniture and antique replicas furniture at incredibly low price. Elegan Furniture is furniture manufacturer and exporter from Jepara – Indonesia that offering the products included: Bed Room, Dining Room, Living Room, Office Furniture, Garden Furniture, Rattan Synthetic, etc. with furniture style: Classic, Colonial, Minimalist and French Style. This manufacturer has produced good quality furniture at reachable prices since 1999. Elegan Furniture has exported its products for the last 15 years all over the world.

Elegan Furniture is a direct supplier and exporter of Indonesia fine furniture and antique replicas furniture made by skilled crafts people from Jepara. Highly selected raw materials which as base of a high quality furniture, buy from legal government wood plantations under strict quality control. All products made from strong and kiln-dry wood, designed with the best system and construction. Elegan Furniture is on hand to assist you through the buying process and provide you any product or information you require. Elegan Furniture has the ability of finishing product using the touch of experience and dedicated handicraft, that will assure of commitment to the customer satisfaction. Elegan Furnitue always can be reliable professional business partner who can help and bring your company succeed for the future.
For more info, please contact:
ELEGAN FURNITUREMochammad Noor ( Mr. Noor )Sukodono Village, Rt. 04 / Rw. 05, Tahunan
Jepara 59425 – Central Java
Mobile: +62-81325550046 , +62-81325041418
Email: eleganfurniture(at)yahoo(dot)com , eleganexport(at)gmail(dot)com, info(at)eleganfurniture(dot)com
Website :
www.eleganfurniture.comFor more products, please visit: