Author Topic: How To Invest In Estate Jewelry  (Read 4671 times)


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How To Invest In Estate Jewelry
| January 20, 2017, 04:47:07 PM
It’s time to take grandma’s jewelry out of the vault  ;D

That’s because the popularity of estate and vintage pieces is growing, even as the overall jewelry market falters. Since inventory is fixed and often in short supply, antique jewelry is sought after by consumers looking for one-of-a-kind pieces.

While the jewelry market is expected to experience several years of stagnant sales, “other” jewelry, which includes estate jewelry, has achieved at least modest gains, according to a May survey conducted by Mintel, a market research firm with offices worldwide.
“The demand for antique and estate jewelry is still very strong,” says Russell Zelenetz, partner at Stephen Russell jewelers in New York City. “Old jewelry is undervalued as an art.”

This–and a challenging economy–has prompted many jewelry collectors to unlock their safes and sell heirloom pieces they have been holding onto in an effort to gain additional income.

Top Tips

Navigating the estate jewelry market can be challenging–whether at an auction house or at retail.

When shopping for estate jewelry, you should look for a period piece that speaks to you and fits your personality. If you plan on wearing the item every day and not just for special occasions, make sure it is versatile and can go with business and weekend wear.

And while it is important to buy a piece you’ll wear and future generations will want to keep, the item should also have a strong resale value. Stay away from trendy items and stick to the classics that will still be in style 20 years from now.

If you plan to get your next piece at an auction, be careful not to be seduced by seemingly discounted prices.
