Author Topic: Buy Her Jewelry She'll Love for Valentine's Day  (Read 2558 times)


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Buy Her Jewelry She'll Love for Valentine's Day
| February 08, 2017, 04:55:33 PM
By: Erin White

Nearly every woman has opened a pretty box on Valentine’s Day to find a lovely piece of jewelry — that didn’t suit her at all. And while we recognize that it is the thought that counts, we also know that you really want to get something that will please the recipient.

But finding just the right thing is tricky business, especially if you’re picking something out for the first time.

Use these tips from local jewelers to make sure she loves her Valentine’s Day bauble. And not just because it came from you.

1. Sneak a look at what she already has: Is it mostly silver or white gold or yellow gold? Does she prefer colored gemstones or neutral stones, like diamonds? Does she have fashion or costume jewelry or does she stick with classic, more expensive bracelets, necklaces and rings?

2. Look for holes in her collection.

For example, if she already has two bracelets she wears regularly, buy earrings or a pendant instead. Or maybe she has a gold necklace but no pearls.

3. Think about her lifestyle.

What type of clothing does she wear most days? Business suits? Jeans and T-shirts? Trendy outfits?
Is she active? Does she need something that will stand up to gardening/tennis/yoga?

4. Pay attention to whether she changes jewelry often or sticks with the same pieces. This will help the jeweler guide your selection.

5. Consider her size.

You don’t, for example, want to overwhelm a petite woman with a huge piece, or buy your 5-foot-11-inch girlfriend a tiny charm.