Author Topic: Beaded Jewelry Trends - Summer Gemstone Pick  (Read 3257 times)


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Beaded Jewelry Trends - Summer Gemstone Pick
| May 19, 2017, 04:12:29 PM
By: Stephanie White

While we think of summer, imagery of colorful clothes, the warmth of the sun, after that laughter come to mind. We think of possibilities for all the great times we will get to share together with family and friends as weather shifts from chilly and dreary to warm and cheery. Beaded jewelry enthusiasts think in terms of finding fashionable pieces which are as delightful and versatile to dress in as the other accessories in their wardrobe. Many choose citrine because it fulfills all the requirements that help it become a sensible choice for summer wear.

Citrine is a variation quartz that has many features that ensure it is perfect for warmer weather. It is reasonably priced, durable, and extremely versatile. This striking gemstone comes in colors ranging from lemon yellow, to brighter golden hues, including oranges, browns as well as reds. It’s most common color, nevertheless, is yellow. Albeit it has nothing - other than color - in common with topaz, it is also frequently referred to as gold topaz, or Spanish or Madeira topaz.

Probably the most interesting features of citrine gemstones is strength and durability. On the Mohs scale of hardness, with diamonds being a 10 and the toughest mineral on earth, citrine, like other quartz crystals, is ranked at 7. The fact that it is so resilient makes it a top choice amongst those seeking to expand their jewelry collections. It’s a safe option to wear to outside get together like graduations, picnics or wedding parties because it’s hard to scratch or chip.

Of course, for most individuals, their beaded jewelry has to be as versatile as it is durable, particularly in today’s economy. Citrine is no slacker in this category either. It’s elegant, yet casual and so interchangeable. Business women can easily get away with wearing a gorgeous citrine necklace into the office, yet continue to wear it after work at more casual events.

Its colors allow it to be adaptable to a wide range of color palettes when thinking in terms of wardrobes. Yellow, which is itself a very cheerful and notable color, blends beautifully with trendy and vibrant summer colors like pinks, greens, and even tropical hues and patterns. Yet it still visually nice with the more subdued earth tones of tans, grays, and soft greens.

Moreover, given that citrine is available in such a wide variety of sizes and shapes, it offers many choices for the different types of jewelry it can be used in. It would likely easily be designed into something as delicate as a beautiful citrine tear-drop necklace, or something as bulky as a chunky citrine bracelet or ring.

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