Author Topic: Furniture Product Requested: Live Edge Dining Room Tables  (Read 8818 times)



Full Member

I'm interested in importing live edge dining room tables
and other items.Im located in North Carolina,USA
Thank you

Lowell galumbeck <strip4u[at]nc[dot]rr[dot]com>



Re: Furniture Product Requested: Live Edge Dining Room Tables
Reply #1 | April 11, 2018, 07:32:44 PM
Maydos Paint & Coating, founded in 1995, is a leading high-end Wood Coating Manufacturer from Guangdong, China. Our wood varnish is qualified with EN71-3 Standard.  We specialized in R&D of NC/PU wood coating technology and provide economic solutions with the most cutting-edge technologies to furniture manufacturers in 86 countries worldwide.

I am Billy Shen, who is in charge of sales and marketing in Indonesian of Maydos and would like to work with local furniture manufacturers providing the highest standard of wood coating solutions.

Welcome to visit me in
Trade Show? Indonesia International Coating, Painting, Resins &
Composite Exhibition
Date: 25-27 Jul 2018
Location?Jiexpo Kemayoran Hall B3, Jakarta, Indonesia

I will be on business trip to Jakarta, visiting manufacturers of finest solid wood furniture, from 28th April to 18th May.  Should you any questions contact me by below info.

Best Regards
Billy Shen
Email: shenbl(at)maydos(dot)cn
Mobile/WhatsApp/Wechat: +86-186-7651-4721