2 Textile Craft Making Techniques

Textiles are clothing materials that we use every day. Textiles are generally made of fiber which will then processed into yarn. Later, these threads will be knitted, sewn or woven into cloth which will eventually become clothes. However, it turns out that textiles are not only processed into clothes. Textiles can also be processed into various types of handicrafts. For the examples: embroidery crafts, batik crafts, and so on. In addition, this textile material can also processed into acccessories or other things. In processing textiles into crafts, of course, you must use the correct manufacturing techniques so that the craft results are good. There are two types of textile craft manufacturing techniques.

Structural Technique
This technique is used to make the arrangement of lines, colors, motifs and textures of the craft material that will be made. Not only that, the arrangement of all these components will also be a great motif. An example of structural technique is when making knitting bags (knitting craft). The better application of the technique, will get good results.

Decorative Technique
This technique is also often referred as garnitur. Garnitur is a material that is often used to decorate clothes. Examples of garnitur are buttons, imitation flowers, and so on. Decorative technique is used to enhance the craft made. This technique is not only used for clothes or fashion, but is also used in knitting bags, wallets, and so on.


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