Development of Halal Products in Indonesia

Marketing of halal products in Indonesia is growing rapidly from year to year. Not only as a necessity, now the consumption of halal products is like a trend and becomes a lifestyle in the midst of Indonesian society. Although the food and beverage sector is still the halal product with the highest consumption, currently other sectors are competing in developing halal products. Such as the cosmetics, fashion, tourism and pharmaceutical sectors.

In the history of the development of halal products, the food and beverage sector has been a pioneer in the formation of certification labels, which we often encounter in product packaging and places to eat. Public unrest over the proliferation of foods and beverages containing pork elements has prompted the government to seek solutions to differentiate haram products that are safe for consumption by Muslim communities in Indonesia.

But over time, not only the food and beverage sector can obtain a halal label. Now followed by the pharmaceutical and cosmetic sectors which have started to register their products to get halal certification from LPPOM MUI. This not only helps the government in monitoring the safety of products spread in Indonesia, but can also increase public interest in buying these products.

Initially, halal labeling in Indonesia started with food products that were marked with a warning sign made from pork and its derivatives. In this warning sign there must be a picture of a pig and the words “CONTAINS PORK” in red then the writing is in a square box which is also red.

After ten years later, on August 12, 1985 the Government changed the warning sign to a logo that reads “HALAL”. This label is given after the manufacturer provides the composition of the ingredients and reports how their product is processed to the Ministry of Health. Then the product is checked with the Ministry of Religion through the Food Registration Assessment Team of the Directorate General of Drug and Food Control, Ministry of Health.

According to LPPOM MUI data from 2011 to 2018, there were 727,617 products produced by 59,951 companies and only 69,985 products were certified as halal by LPPOM MUI. This shows that only 9.6% of products have obtained halal certification and the rest do not have halal certification. However, this does not mean that other products are forbidden to be consumed, but it is possible that these products have not applied for halal certification to LPPOM MUI.

Currently, it is quite visible an increase of producers or companies registering their products to obtain halal certification from LPPOM MUI. According to the latest data based on the CEROL-SS23000 Online Halal Certification application, there are 44,737 products that have received halal labeling from 19,517 companies in the last seven years (2015 – 2021).

Therefore, now the government’s focus is to continue to urge producers to register their products in order to get halal certification. As well as expanding the sector to increase the halal industry in Indonesia such as in the fields of cosmetics, fashion, tourism and others. So that it is not only the food sector that continues to be considered, but other sectors can participate in supporting the economic growth of the halal industry in Indonesia.


Post Author: admin