Indah Batik – Boutique and Wholesaler of Beautiful Solo, Jogja, and Pekalongan Batik in Sidoarjo, East Java

Solo and Pekalongan Batik has its own signature that very well known by many Batik lovers. Moreover, Solo and Pekalongan have been known and established as one of Batik culture downtown. Many Batik lovers want to collect and buy the exclusive batik with beautiful motif original from Solo and Pekalongan but they live far from Central Java Area. Therefore, for Solo and Pekalongan Batik lovers that located in East Java, don’t be worry because there is a boutique of Solo, Pekalongan, and Jogja Batik that located in Sidoarjo, East Java. Indah Batik is shop that offer Solo, Pekalongan, and Jogja batik with elegant and modern motif but still ethnic with classic colors mix. In this shop, there are many collections of Solo and Pekalongan batik clothes for women and men in the form of shirt, long shirt, dress, long dress, and long skirt. Indah Batik also provides cloth for kids and “uniform” cloth for family couple with unique motifs and designs.

Indah Batik Shop offers unique and fashionable Batik products with many types of Batik, such as; handwriting Batik, stamp Batik, semi handwriting Batik and various beautiful motifs that have been known to the public. The Batik fabric in the shop has made by the skilled craftsmen workshop from Solo, Pekalongan, and Jogja area, so the quality is very concerned and the quality guaranteed. You can choose your favorite of various batik items with many colors and motifs in export quality. So, for you who love Solo, Jogja, and Pekalongan Batik but you live in East Java, let’s contact and visit Indah Batik Shop as soon as possible to buy Batik clothes. You will feel satisfied of Batik product in this shop because it is the perfect place for collection of Solo, Jogja, and Pekalongan Batik products.

Please contact and visit this shop:
Mr. Fadil
Jl. Tanggulangin, Sidoarjo – East Java
Mobile: +62 823 3162 6952


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Post Author: surabaya2