Nur Hasida Batik Solo

visit this famous Batik Solo showroom and get those beautiful Batik motifs

There are various kind of Batik clothes in Nur Hasida Batik shop, made from cotton fabric, silk, until pineapple fiber fabrics. There are also many types of Batik, such as; handwriting Batik, stamp Batik, semi handwriting Batik and various beautiful motifs that have been known to the public. The Batik fabric in the shop has made by the owner workshop, so the quality is very concerned and the quality guaranteed.


Furthermore, the best selling of Batik is Jarik (traditional Batik motifs). It because Jarik has good density and not easily shrink when washed. And when Eid Al-Fitr comes, the shop sales also increased due to the many buyers who want to find Batik cloth.


Visit the shop:
Batik Nur Hasida

Pusat Grosir Solo Lt. Dasar Blok B9-5
Mobile: +62-8121331364
Jl. Plipuh Sangiran Kebaksari Rt. 06
Pungsari – Plupuh Sragen



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