Sate Toe, Pangandaran’s Special Culinary

In addition to beautiful beach tourism, Pangandaran has delicious cuisine. One of them is the yellow spiced satay toe which is chewy and tasty and served hot. If you visit Pangandaran beach, don’t miss this typical culinary tasting. Its name is satay Toe or fresh water clam satay. This satay toe is a typical culinary in the Kalipucang District, Pangandaran Regency, or about 10 kilometers before arriving Pangandaran beach.

This satay toe seller is easy to find around Kalipucang market, precisely around the corner near Kalipucang minimarket. No less than 10 traders gathered at this spot to peddle their wares to motorists who stopped by.

Even though it is satay, this toe satay is not grilled but cooked with yellow spices and pierced with a stick. This toe meat is tender with slightly spicy yellow spice. The cooking skills of the sellers make this toe satay not fishy and tough.

In addition to selling satay toe, the sellers also make lontong or leupeut and fried prawn crackers. The lontong also special, because it does not use preservatives. Lontong taste softer without any chewy texture. For prawns, the taste is different, because they only make prawns with rice flour.

This food is suitable as a breakfast menu if you want to travel to Pangandaran. Two lontong and three skewers toe, enough to make your stomach full.


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