ll the products here are handmade Batik with variety motifs and colors

Bata Merah Batik – Exclusive Hand Dyed Batik from Indonesia

BATA MERAH BATIK is direct producer that manufacturing hand painted and printed Batik. All the products here are handmade Batik with variety motifs and colors. The unique of Bata Merah Batik is not only in motif and design of Batik, but also the color and selected material. BATA MERAH BATIK accept and accommodate design of Batik from its own designer […]

Rizkya Batik Solo supplies not only batik clothes and fabrics, but also knitted handbag for women and shoes for kids with various unique motifs and designs

Rizkya Batik Solo – Exclusive Motif is Characteristic of Solo Batik

Rizkya Batik Solo is a batik manufacturer that focusing on fashion trends and providing the needs of professional classy shirt and dress. Rizkya Batik Solo offers various kind of handmade Batik clothes and all products are made by skilled Batik artists from several Batik area.  Unique characteristics of this brand can be seen from the […]

ROONA BATIK – Brand of Innovation Batik Fashion from Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Roona Batik is a Batik brand that is well known by the people of Central Java. Initiated and managed by Mr. Syauki since 2000, this brand has empowered dozens of Batik artisans in the region of Yogyakarta and surrounding areas. Roona Batik is active in various exhibitions and has met the demand of the entire […]

visit this famous Batik Solo showroom and get those beautiful Batik motifs

Nur Hasida Batik Solo

There are various kind of Batik clothes in Nur Hasida Batik shop, made from cotton fabric, silk, until pineapple fiber fabrics. There are also many types of Batik, such as; handwriting Batik, stamp Batik, semi handwriting Batik and various beautiful motifs that have been known to the public. The Batik fabric in the shop has […]