Unique Rembang Srepeh Satay with Tofu Sauce

Rembang Regency, Central Java has a unique satay concoction, Srepeh satay. The main ingredient is chicken meat, but the spices and the accompaniments are different. Such is the specialty!
Discussing Indonesian satay seems to be endless. Because many regions in Indonesia have unique satay concoctions that are worth trying. No exception with the typical satay of Rembang, Central Java.

Its name is Sate Srepeh which has a number of unique facts. Called srepeh was not without reason. There is an interesting story behind it.

Sate srepeh is served with a combination of peanut sauce, red chili sauce, coconut milk, and brown sugar. This spice has a watery texture and has yellow-brown looks. The taste is distinctive because of the mixture of savory, salty, and spicy. This spice is then known as “Srepeh”. The satay wrapped in this spice is also called sate srepeh.

Sate srepeh is generally made with the main ingredients of chicken meat and chicken offal. However, it is possible that the srepeh satay is made from mutton or beef. The pieces of chicken meat are also slightly different from the chicken in Madura satay. Sate srepeh has flatter pieces of chicken meat.

The presentation is also unique. In addition to being drenched in a reddish-orange coconut milk sauce, Srepeh satay is usually eaten with tofu chili rice. This rice is wrapped in teak leaves so that the aroma is more fragrant. Sate srepeh is also commonly enjoyed with lodeh vegetable rice.

Although it is famous for its deliciousness, unfortunately there are not so many sellers of satay srepeh in Rembang. One of the most famous sellers is Bu Slamet. The restaurant is on Jalan KS Tubun, Rembangan. Restaurant manager of Bu Slamet said the sate srepeh concoction uses brown sugar, coconut milk and a number of other kitchen ingredients such as shallots, garlic, salt, and water. This restaurant, which was founded in the 1970s, is open since 6 am. When you come at 10 am, it’s usually closed.

Besides srepeh satay, Rembang also has a special satay called laler satay. No need to worry about the appearance or taste, because this satay is not made from flies or laler. Sate laler is made from small pieces of mutton. Then the laler satay is served using teak leaf wrappers so that it is more fragrant. Usually satay laler is eaten with soy sauce which is topped with sliced ​​red onions and tomatoes. Sate laler is easy to find along the sidewalks of Jalan Kartini Rembang.

If you’re a satay fan, don’t miss tasting these two satays while in Rembang. There are srepeh satay and laler satay that ready to pamper your taste!


Post Author: admin