There are various kind of Sragen Batik clothes and fabrics in Dewi Ratih Batik shop, made from cotton and silk fabric. Dewi Ratih Batik is one of several SMEs in the Kliwonan Village, Sragen where the village is a tourism area of Batik Tourism Kliwonan Village that located about 12 kilometers south of downtown Sragen or 15 […]
Category: General
Putri Nabila Batik – Workshop and Wholesaler of Pekalongan and Sragen Batik Products from Central Java
Pekalongan Batik has its own signature that very well known by many Batik lovers. Moreover, Pekalongan has been known and established as one of Batik culture downtown. Putri Nabila Batik is one of Batik workshop which offers unique and fashionable Batik products. Some of Putri Nabila Batik products are all kind of Batik fabrics and […]
Citra Cakra Logam – Manufacturer and Exporter of Zinc Oxide Products from Pasuruan, East Java
Welcome to PT Citra Cakra Logam. CCL (Citra Cakra Logam) has been established since 1997, located in Beji – Pasuruan, East Java, Indonesia. This company is specialize in manufacturing of high quality Zinc Oxide “Winstar Brand”. Since 2001, CCL has started the commercial production for supplying the industrial needs of high quality zinc oxide. This company has […]
Jogja Craft Shop –Sterling Jewelry and Accessories Shop Original from Jogjakarta, Indonesia
The sterling handmade jewelry and accessories can be found in Jogja Craft, not only for local people, but also some foreign tourists admire the collection from this shop. Jogja Craft that located in Kotagede – Jogjakarta offers various jewelry and accessories products such as; sterling silver bangle, necklace, bracelet, brooch, earrings and other sterling silver […]
Jula Huba Ethnic NTT – Collections of Ikat Weaving Fabrics from East Nusa Tenggara
Jula Huba Ethnic NTT Boutique is originated from Kupang, NTT. As one of well-known traditional ikat weaving fabrics from East Nusa Tenggara has its special ethnic motif and color. The color of the fabrics are made of natural sources such as leaves, woods and etc. Each motif has its own story and function for their […]
Delicious Salted Egg with Various Flavors from Kampung Bebek in Sidoarjo, East Java
Have you ever been tasted salted egg in various flavors? If you have been not, try to taste the various flavors of salted egg production of duck producers in Kebonsari Village, Candi District, Sidoarjo, East Java. Mostly people in this village are farmers of laying ducks since the 1990s and up until now this local […]
JAWABETON (JAVTON) – Roof Tiles Manufacture and Exporter from Surabaya, East Java
PT. JAWABETON (JAVATON) is company and exporter in the field of building materials manufacturers with the main products are roof tiles for residential, with a variety of styles from classic to modern minimalist. Vision and mission of this company is becoming the leader and innovator of roof building that has top-quality product in Indonesia and […]
Inastone Incorporated – The Place Where You Find Beautiful Natural Stone with Export Quality
Inastone Incorporated was established in the year 1988. Inastone Incorporated is a company which specialized in the export business of the Indonesian most beautiful natural stones and is now highly honored as one of the important and the largest exportation stone company in Indonesia. This company acquired licenses to cultivate stones from East Java rocky mountains, […]
Huge Calf Wood Carving – The Unique Craft Product Original from Bojonegoro, East java
Bojonegoro has many excellent potential to be developed and will be the main source of livelihood in the vicinity, starting from the food industry, handicraft industry, nature, agriculture and farming and others. Calf craft with raw materials from the forest (teak) is one of handicraft industries in Bojonegoro that has a unique and specific craft, […]
SO WANGI Cleaners – Product of Bhakti Asta Makmur (BAM) Cooperative Organization, Original from Malang, East Java
Bhakti Asta Makmur (BAM) is a cooperative organization that was established on April 4, 1999 in the city of Malang. BAM is engaged in several business units, there are savings and loan, member of business development and real sector enterprises. End of 2014 registered members in BAM reach up to 2148 members who are scattered […]