Handwriting batik of Fajar Batik in peacock motif is drawn simple with horse and arranged in some positions

FAJAR BATIK – Workshop of Handwriting Batik with Natural Color and Design from Ponorogo, East Java

Batik, in Javanese means ‘to Dot’. Basically there are two kinds of batik; Handwriting Batik (batik tulis) and Printed Batik (batik cap). The price of handwriting batik is much more expensive than printed batik. Fajar Batik is located in Ponorogo downtown, East Java. Warna Alam (nature color) Batik motif is the signature motifs from Ponorogo, East Java. This kind type of handwriting […]

Eucalyptus Oil Factory – Ponorogo, East Java

Hundreds of hectares of eucalyptus crops overlay Latin name Melaleuca leucadendra L, look all the way back to the Sidoharjo Village, Ponorogo .Eucalyptus oil industry is one industry that enough prospective besides teak industry in Ponorogo and surrounding areas. In Ponorogo, eucalyptus was planted in 1924 in Ponorogo district east. Eucalyptus seeds were imported from […]