Amalia JavaCraft & Antiques is one of merchants in Triwindu Market that is located at Pangeran Diponegoro in the front of Mangkunegaran Palace. Amalia JavaCraft & Antiques Shop was started selling unique and old handicraft at Triwindu Market since 1975. This shop sells all kinds of antique Javanese beads and accessories, such as keris (Javanese traditional dagger) and its warangka (keris’ sheath) whether it is new and old, sculptures, masks, puppets, antique lamps, etc. Every single day, this shop is always serving local and foreign tourists. Some of them are coming for a brief window-shopping and some other are buying the handicraft in wholesale.
Visit this shop at Triwindu Market.
Booth of Triwindu Market 19
Jl. Pangeran Diponegoro, Timuran, Banjarsari
Surakarta – Central Java
Phone: +62 271 635 188
Fax: +62 271 726 161
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