Waste wood and teak root products of Akar Jaya are made by skilled craftsmen and experts, who faithfully follow the projects of the great home furniture design

Furniture Products Become One of the Mainstay of Indonesia Exports

The Indonesian Minister of Trade said that furniture and handicraft products are Indonesia’s main export commodities. He said enthusiasts of Indonesian furniture and handicraft products are spread in various countries in the world. Indonesian furniture and handicraft products are one of Indonesia’s mainstay export commodities whose quality has been recognized internationally. Indonesian furniture and handicrafts […]

Dukungan Besar Asosiasi Terhadap Pameran INDEX MOZAIK Indonesia 2017

Jakarta, 6 Oktober 2017 – Pada hari kedua pameran INDEX MOZAIK Indonesia 2017 yang ditargetkan sebagai pameran terdepan bagi industri hotel, restoran dan kafe (Horeka) dan desain terus menarik perhatian dan kunjungan dari para pelaku bisnis. Pameran yang diselenggarakan oleh Nine Events, Tarsus Group Plc, DMG Events ini telah dibuka secara resmi kemarin (5/8) dan […]