Satu Dasawarsa Smesco Indonesia untuk KUKM

Dalam rangka memperingati 10tahun Smesco Indonesia telah melayani dan memfasilitasi UKM, Smesco Indonesia mengadakan pagelaran pameran yang di dedikasikan untuk UKM Indonesia. Acara berlangsung selama 4 hari dari tanggal 18 Juli – 21 Juli dan berlokasi di Gedung Smesco SME Tower, Jl Gatot Subroto kav 94, Jakarta.   Pada acara soft opening yang dihadiri oleh […]

Batik Bogor Tradisiku

Batik Bogor Tradisiku is a Bogor batik pioneer which was established in January 13th 2008. To show his love to Bogor, the owner (Mr Siswaya) was inspired to preserve Bogor cultural heritage and create jobs for the society. The products are variant, such as clothing, sleepers, helmet, tea set, and other ethnic products. Moreover, he […]

Seruni Living – Cushion with Art

Seruni creates a range of printed home decorations, kitchen utensils and life style products. The material is mostly made by fabric and wood which are printed with art design. Besides it also contains some inspirational and funny quotes in cushion and others stuffs. You must buy these unique stuffs to beautify your home! Gallery: Plaza […]

Ride One Gallery – Indonesian Glass Craft Factory

Ride One Gallery is a glass craft factory in Indonesia which has hundreds designs such as mirrors, lamps cap, batik glass, glass accessories and others crafts that made from glass. The products selling could be in retail and wholesale, national or export. Design your own custom made and contact us; Mr Sapto +6285293333003 Warehouse: Jl […]