Batik Gunung Kendil – Handwriting and Contemporary Lasem Batik from Rembang, Central Java

Batik Tulis (handwriting) Lasem is begin to know by many people since several fashion designer present it in some fashion exhibition. Lasem itself is a small city in Rembang, Central Java that commonly called as old city. Batik Lasem often said as the soul of the city. Batik Gunung Kendil is a batik workshop that specialize in […]

Kusumavignette is a batik manufacturer that focusing on quality and providing the needs of professionals uniform shirt and fabric

Kusumavignette – Uniform Specialist & Contemporary Batik from Yogyakarta

Kusumavignette is a batik workshop that specialize in manufacturer of uniform  and contemporary batik products. Located in Yogyakarta, batik of  Kusumavignette is one type of Batik Yogyakarta motifs that favored by many people. Even if you visit to the city of Yogyakarta, surely you will see many people using Batik Yogyakarta. Because Yogyakarta including the city that is […]

This workshop supplies Jonegoroan batik clothes and fabrics with unique set of 14 motifs

Sang Engon Njono Puro – The Beautiful and Unique of Jonegoroan Batik Collection Original from Bojonegoro

There is many handmade of Jonegoroan Batik here. You can choose your favorite handwriting or printing batik typically Jonegoroan with many colors and motifs in export quality. The home of Sang Engon Njono Puro is located in Jono Village, Bojonegoro, East Java. This workshop supplies Jonegoroan batik clothes and fabrics with unique set of 14 […]